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The Culling of Stratholme dungeon does not run properly and you cannot complete two 2 quests


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do not know now whether someone has already reported V.14 Blizzlike and V.14 Gold

The Culling of Stratholme Dungeons and Quest

here goes the quest Not

He shows me the 5 boxes that I have them, only I cannot submit the quest

here is a picture


there are too many errors in the Dungeons The Culling of Stratholme and not playable because you can't finish the quest to speak to Arthas

here is a picture


the phase of the wave is not shown on the mini-map where you have to go at first and second boss the phase

if you have killed the 2 bosses you can Do not speak to Arthas that it goes on you have to stand with him for 1 minute before he starts walking

here is a picture


if you defeat the final boss you can't open the chest The quest cannot be completed

sorry about my english