TBC-Gaming is a newly formed Private Server looking for testers on our blizzlike server!
We are currently running patch 2.4.3 (8606)
Server info:
Intel Core i5 4550K
Samsung EVO 250GB SSD
50/50 Internet speed ATM
Friendly Staff Members!
We are also in need of more Game Masters so please contact me ingame via an ingame ticket!
The instant 70 server is now up. The instant 70 server focuses on both PvE and PvP. where you will start with the Gear of Season 3 and Tier 4 + some random weapons and offsets which you can find in the mall. If you want to become the best you'll have to work for it. We don't want to give end gear content to players. You need to work for it!
You can find our Website HERE
Known Server Issue:
Midfire Pole does not work.
Classes are not 100% working (Around 97 - 98%)
Hunter Pets are kind of buggy after combat
Some screenshots:

Nuxxiz - AC-Web For the Banner