Hello! Here are some bugs I've encountered while running TBC and WoTLK raids. All of the reported bugs are from the free version 5 of this repack.
Midnight ( 16151 ) has only 35 hp, making it impossible to spawn Attumen the Huntsman without killing the horse in one shot. (Fixed in v6.1 - VIP)
Moroes ( 15687 ) has only 35 hp while all the dinner guests ( 19875, 19874, 19872, 17007, 19876, 19873 ) have around 200- 300 million hp (Fixed in v6.1 - VIP)
Chess event doesn't work so you cannot proceed with the raid without GM powers.
Sunwell Plateau
Kalecgos ( 24850 ) doesn't allow you to enter his last plase and fight Sathrovarr ( 24892 ) therefore you cannot proceed without GM powers.
Brutallus ( 24882 ) does the dialogue properly, however, after the last line he doesn't become attackable. Also, Felmyst ( 25038 ) doesn't spawn after Brutallus' death, it's supposed to spawn from the corpse of Madrigosa ( 25160 )
Raid works properly, some of the bosses don't award the achievements even though you've fullfilled the requirements. ( Achievements 1858, 1859, 1856, 1857, 2178, 2179, 2180, 578, 579 )
Obsidian Sanctum
Raid works properly, Sartharion doesn't award some of the achievements. ( 624, 625)
Onyxia's Lair
Encounter works properly, Onyxia doesn't award achievements 4402 and 4405.
The Eye of Eternity
Malygos ( 28859 ) has level 88 instead of ?? Boss level, encounter works fine untill the second phase, after all the NPCs on the disks are killed you hop on the dragon but Malygos becomes untargetable and nothing happens.
Trial of the Crusader
When Gormok the Impaler ( 34796 ) and Acidmaw ( 35144 ) spawn, they don't move from their spot at all, and can't be attacked due to Line of sight.
Faction champions encounter works fine, after killing them the container cannot be looted though. ( gobject 195631 )
Twin Val'akyr encounter spawns, but the twins don't attack you at all and they don't award achievements 3799 and 3815.
Anub'arak doesn't spawn Swarm scarabs ( 34605 ) which are the criteria for achievements 3800 and 3816.
Icecrown Citadel
Deathbringer Saurfang is spawned 2 times before starting the event ( 37813 ). For horde, High Overlord Saurfang doesn't give the option to start the event, and for Alliance, Muradin Bronzebeard uses the model of High Overlord Saurfang. Even so, for the alliance side, after the dialogue is finished Deathbringer Saurfang doesn't become attackable.
Professor Putricide isn't spawned ( spawned him manually, 36678 ) has level 88 instead of ?? Boss level
Blood Prince Council encounter cannot be looted after they are killed.
Blood Queen Lana'thel ( 37955 ) doesn't use any of her abilities, making the encounter a tank and spank fight, and making the achievements 4539 and 4618 impossible to obtain without GM commands.
Valithria Dreamwalker encounter doesn't let you enter the dream portals ( 37945 )
Sindragosa ( 36853 ) is level 88 instead of ?? Boss level
Frozen Throne teleport ( spell 70860 ) does work, however as soon as it teleports you start falling through the ground.
That's it for now. Thanks for this great repack!
Midnight ( 16151 ) has only 35 hp, making it impossible to spawn Attumen the Huntsman without killing the horse in one shot. (Fixed in v6.1 - VIP)
Moroes ( 15687 ) has only 35 hp while all the dinner guests ( 19875, 19874, 19872, 17007, 19876, 19873 ) have around 200- 300 million hp (Fixed in v6.1 - VIP)
Chess event doesn't work so you cannot proceed with the raid without GM powers.
Sunwell Plateau
Kalecgos ( 24850 ) doesn't allow you to enter his last plase and fight Sathrovarr ( 24892 ) therefore you cannot proceed without GM powers.
Brutallus ( 24882 ) does the dialogue properly, however, after the last line he doesn't become attackable. Also, Felmyst ( 25038 ) doesn't spawn after Brutallus' death, it's supposed to spawn from the corpse of Madrigosa ( 25160 )
WoTLK Raids
Raid works properly, some of the bosses don't award the achievements even though you've fullfilled the requirements. ( Achievements 1858, 1859, 1856, 1857, 2178, 2179, 2180, 578, 579 )
Obsidian Sanctum
Raid works properly, Sartharion doesn't award some of the achievements. ( 624, 625)
Onyxia's Lair
Encounter works properly, Onyxia doesn't award achievements 4402 and 4405.
The Eye of Eternity
Malygos ( 28859 ) has level 88 instead of ?? Boss level, encounter works fine untill the second phase, after all the NPCs on the disks are killed you hop on the dragon but Malygos becomes untargetable and nothing happens.
Trial of the Crusader
When Gormok the Impaler ( 34796 ) and Acidmaw ( 35144 ) spawn, they don't move from their spot at all, and can't be attacked due to Line of sight.
Faction champions encounter works fine, after killing them the container cannot be looted though. ( gobject 195631 )
Twin Val'akyr encounter spawns, but the twins don't attack you at all and they don't award achievements 3799 and 3815.
Anub'arak doesn't spawn Swarm scarabs ( 34605 ) which are the criteria for achievements 3800 and 3816.
Icecrown Citadel
Deathbringer Saurfang is spawned 2 times before starting the event ( 37813 ). For horde, High Overlord Saurfang doesn't give the option to start the event, and for Alliance, Muradin Bronzebeard uses the model of High Overlord Saurfang. Even so, for the alliance side, after the dialogue is finished Deathbringer Saurfang doesn't become attackable.
Professor Putricide isn't spawned ( spawned him manually, 36678 ) has level 88 instead of ?? Boss level
Blood Prince Council encounter cannot be looted after they are killed.
Blood Queen Lana'thel ( 37955 ) doesn't use any of her abilities, making the encounter a tank and spank fight, and making the achievements 4539 and 4618 impossible to obtain without GM commands.
Valithria Dreamwalker encounter doesn't let you enter the dream portals ( 37945 )
Sindragosa ( 36853 ) is level 88 instead of ?? Boss level
Frozen Throne teleport ( spell 70860 ) does work, however as soon as it teleports you start falling through the ground.
That's it for now. Thanks for this great repack!