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Syndicate - wow recruiting


Verified Member
We're currently searching for more GM's/ Developers in order to help us build a perfect server!

What we're currently in need of are:

SQL Developers
C++ Developers
Game Masters.

Do you need experience at being a Game Master?
No you don't you can freely apply and still have the same chance of getting hired just like a experienced GM we want people who're motivated and are willing to make a project popping!

SQL Developers: To be hired as a SQL Developer you will need some advanced experience in order to create content and fix bugs thro the Database. This requires also fixing issues related to anything but anything. You must be advanced at what you're doing.

C++ Developers: C++ Developers are always welcome and freely to help us. I myself and my co-owner do know C++ knowledge and do daily fixes on everything on our server. But we're like if there are any participants to join us on our journey to make the server become flawless feel free to join us!

(I myself do have C++ and SQL knowledge so does our other developers)

Currently if you want to apply for GM and still want to help us related to DB we will teach you how to work with the Database and you'll learn stuff from us! We're all here to learn!

We want staff members that have willpower to learn something and are willing to make a place become better in any aspect. Staff members that have daily idea's and daily help us.

PM me on Discord at Chronos#8660
Or join our server. Link down below!

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Gg4edP6

Thank you best Regards Syndicate