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Sunwell Plateau - Kil'jaeden <The Deceiver> (v13.1 Gold)


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Veteran Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Sunwell Plateau , Horde, Blood Elf
  • [Name, Type] Kil'jaeden <The Deceiver>
  • [Problem Description] In phase 2, the boss can't be targeted/harmed/attacked
  • [How it should work] The boss should be an enemy target

Phase 1
To start the encounter, the raid will pull three Hands of the Deceiver. Unlike their counterparts in the Magtheridon encounter, they have a significant aggro range. They are linked and due to the nature of their abilities, it is recommended that they are dragged apart immediately after the pull, and tanked separately afterwards.

- Melees for ~2K on a plate-wearer.
- Can be stunned and silenced (above 20%).
- Shadow Bolt Volley: Deals 850 to 1150 shadow damage to all raid members within 30 yards, and places a stackable debuff that increases all shadow damage taken by 750.
- Soul Portal: Opens a portal that periodically causes Volatile Felfire Fiend to spawn; these imps will run towards nearby raid members and explode, dealing significant damage to all nearby characters. The imps have extremely low health (~400), and can be killed with a single instant cast spell ; however, dying also causes them to explode.
- Shadow Infusion: At 20% health, the Hand will gain this and it makes him immune to stun and silence effects.

Once all three Hands are defeated, Phase 2 begins.

Phase 2

Kil'jaeden will emerge from with the middle of the room when phase 2 begins. Upon emerging, he will knock back all players that are standing within the glowing circle in the middle of the room. This causes no damage.

He initially has the following abilities;
- Soul Flay - 3 second channel. Deals 3000 Shadow damage per second and reduces movement speed. Not resistable or dispellable.
- Legion Lightning - 2 second cast. A chain lightning-like ability that hits the first target for 3007 to 3493 Shadow damage and then leaps to 4 additional targets, inflicting diminishing Shadow damage to each successive target. It will also drain 1500 mana from each character that takes damage from it. The range for the initial lightning and each successive jump is 50 yards, so it cannot be realistically outranged. Fully resistible.
- Fire Bloom - Instant cast. Places a debuff on up to five random targets that deals 1619 to 1881 Fire damage to the debuffed player and all other raid members within 10 yards. Lasts 20 seconds. Only can be dispelled with Immunity effects such as Ice Block and Divine Shield.
- Summon Shield Orb - Spawns a Shield Orb add that is similar to Doom Blossoms in the Teron Gorefiend encounter. Since they only have 20k hp, it is recommend that they be killed as soon as they appear. During Phase 2, they will always spawn northeast of Kil'jaeden, and then orbit him counterclockwise.

Once Kil'jaeden reaches 85% HP, Phase 3 will begin.

Phase 3

When phase 3 begins, Kil'jaeden gains the following abilities:

- Sinister Reflection: Used at the beginning of Phase 3, instant cast. Spawns five Sinister Reflections of a randomly targetted raid member that look identical to the target, and have the abilities of the target's class. These abilities are not tied to the character's talent build or gear selection. Their melee attacks deal an incredible amount of physical damage (2k on plate) and their casts do considerable damage/healing. They cannot be CC'd, but do have normal threat mechanics.
- Shadow Spike: 28 second channel. Bombards randomly targeted raid members with Shadow Spikes that function like Void Reaver's orbs, floating towards the target's position upon the moment of cast and exploding. The explosion inflicts 5100 to 6900 Shadow damage to all characters within 8 yards, and places a debuff that reduces all healing effects by 50% by 10 seconds. Resistable.
- Flame Dart Explosion: Instant cast. Every 3 seconds, all raid members will be hit by Flame Darts that cause 1663 to 1837 Fire damage and reduce movement speed by 50%. Lasts 15 seconds. Resistable, but not dispellable.
- Summon Shield Orb: This ability will now cause two Shield Orbs to spawn instead of one. They will initially appear on opposite sides of the room, and will rotate in opposite directions.
- Darkness of a Thousand Souls: Kil'jaeden will emote (Kil'jaeden begins to channel dark energy) and then cover himself with his wings. After 8 seconds, he will hit all players for 47500 to 52500 Shadow damage. This must be countered by Shield of the Blue.

Once Kil'Jaeden reaches 50% HP, phase 4 will begin

Phase 4

Kil'Jaeden gains one more ability in this phase and will now summon three shield orbs.

- Meteor: Meteors fall from the sky, hitting anyone within a 5 yard range for a fatal amount of damage. There is a Hellfire graphic that appears about 5 seconds before the meteor lands, giving time to move out of the landing area. 3 meteors will be in flight constantly throughout this phase. However, Meteor bombardments will stop while he is casting Darkness of a Thousand Souls.
- Summon Shield Orb: Kil'jaeden will now summon three shield orbs instead of two.

Upon Kil'Jaeden reaching 25% HP, phase 5 will begin.

Phase 5

When phase 5 begins, Kalecgos will cry out to Anveena, and she will "awaken" out of Kil'Jaeden's control, sacrificing herself into the Sunwell, stunning Kil'Jaeden for 5 seconds . Kil'Jaeden gains no new abilities this phase but cast all his previous abilities with greater frequency and suffers the following buff:

- Sacrifice of Anveena: Kil'jaeden takes 25% increased Holy damage.

Along with all abilities being casted with greater frequency, two of his abilities are changed in this phase;
- Soul Flay lasts for 8 seconds now
- Meteors will continue to bombard the raid when he casts Darkness of a Thousand Souls.


Kalecgos plays an important part in this encounter, being that starting in phase 3, he empowers the 4 orbs in the room, that when used (Only one member can use each orb) transforms the raid member into a blue dragon with the following abilities;
- Blink: Teleports the dragon 20 yards forward.
- Breath: Revitalize: Breathes arcane energy in a 13-yard cone in front of the caster, causing friendly units to regenerate 2250 health and mana over 10 sec. 10 second cooldown.
- Breath: Haste: Breathes arcane energy in a 13-yard cone in front of the caster, increasing the attack, casting, and movement speeds of friendly targets by 25% for 30 sec. Also grants immunity to effects that reduce movement speed. 10 second cooldown.