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Sunwell Plateau - Kalecgos (v13.1 Gold)


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
  • [Location, Faction, Race]Sunwell Plateau, Horde, Blood Elf
  • [Name, Type] Kalecgos and Sathrovarr the Corruptor, boss
  • [Problem Description] Sathrovar is green/friendly to the player in the spirit realm ( inner veil) and can't be targeted/harmed/attacked
  • [How it should work] When Kalecgos reaches about 1% health, the player is teleported to Spirit Realm in which I expect Sathrovarr to be an enemy target, not a friendly target.

Bring down Kalecgos
At about 1% you will be teleported to the spectral realm.
You then have 60 seconds to DPS Sathrovarr to death before time runs out and you're teleported out.
If you haven't DPSed him down in time you will be teleported out, kalecgos will despawn, and the encounter will reset.