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Sunwell 15x Blizlike High Rates 3.3.5a


Trial Member
Sunwell 15x Realm info

- Free to play...note: its not a pay to win server!!!!!
- A fresh WOTLK server with lots of content.(3.3.5a)
-High Rates
- Blizzlike.
- 15xp rate
-20x Quest rate
- 4x Gold rate
- 3x Proff gain skills rate
-Uncoomon rate 3x rate
-Rare 3x rate
-Epic 2x rate
-Auto Learn spells on Level up
-Auto random Enchantment on items
-Fly Paths are open - no instant
-Heirloom at create the char
-Xmog System
-Gamble Gold System
-reedemCode System
-Online Bonus roll system
-SoloCraft System
-MoneyForKills System
-congratsonlevel System
-vasautobalance System
-npccodebox System
- Solo queue BGs.
- 24/7 Uptime
- Fully scripted.
- Reward voting System.

Website: https://strong-wow.com/
Realmlist logon.strong-wow.com