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Suggestions regarding MoP repack


Verified Member
I would like to start by saying that I enjoy playing this repack, there's been much improvement over the years and it's getting better and better. However, there are some things that still need to be addressed in order to have the best experience. My suggestions are the following:

-Try to make sure all the starting areas are flawless, I noticed that there's plenty of bugs in the DK starting zone, sadly I couldn't complete it without GM commands, due to it being very bugged (especially the Light's Hope quest towards the end of the campaign which wouldn't complete on itself). It's pretty sad to see that the bare minimum of what you would expect isn't working.

-Add more customization options in worldserver config file, for example:
-Option to adjust Weekly Valor Cap, Valor Rates, Maximum Valor.
-Fix the settings regarding conquest, honor and justice points. When I configured my settings file, I set it in such a way that characters start with 4000/4000 honor and justice, although they only receive 40 when created, while the conquest cap can't be increased.

-As other forum members suggested, try to improve the bots by adding PQR scripts to them (if possible) since it's very well written and might prove to be more efficient in making the bots performance better. Also try to make them follow mechanics in raids (both old and live raids)

-Possibility to make the bots use transmogs.

-Make the bots equip PvP only gear in instanced PvP activities (Arenas, Bgs) with the option to further customize it (let us configure pvp ilvl gear, sets etc).

-Fix phasing in zones, at least in major cities/important game areas. There's plenty of NPC's either wrongly placed or that should be there only during certain quests/patches in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Horde and Alliance Shrines in Pandaria. A bit of cleaning wouldn't hurt anyone since it's pretty messy at the moment, especially since it's been years since the project was initially released and we'd expect those problems not to be present at this point.

Thanks alot to the whole team behind the project for taking your time to build this repack. It's great so far but there's plenty of room for improvements. I can't wait until the next version is going to be released and I will try tocome back with more suggestions in the future. Have a great day!