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Suggestions regarding bots on 4.3.4


Mythical User
Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Veteran Member
I have a few suggestions for bots on 4.3.4 expansion that I'd like to share with everyone.

Arena Team Bots:
1. Instead of naming bots arena team as bot team ID, they could use regular team names;
2. Bots should match enemy team gear and not their rating. For example, if you go as full cataclysmic to arena and your rating is 0, you'll be against level 333 bots. Only around 2k mmr that u start seeing Full Ruthless bots;
3. Arena team bots gear ilvl should also be configured via worldserver.config, like you can configure the BG / LFG bots;
4. I'm not sure if it is just me, but Arena Team bots look more dumber than BG ones. Again, not sure if it's my impression or if it's true.

Duel Zone Bots:
1. Ability to modify the place where they duel to anywhere we'd like in the world;
2. Duel zone bots somehow lack to show their specialization, which doesn't happen with other bots;
3. They duel non-stop 24/7. Maybe make them slow down a bit. Also, if you turn a duel down, the bot will keep asking you to duel over and over until you leave. Something that could be improved.

Battleground bots:
1. When they die, they fly over the map. Nasty bug, but it's fixable I guess;
2. They tend to always move in the same way, all in a straight line and many times;
3. When they go for the flag, they move 100% by side of the lag. This makes them run & stop a lot of times and seems unnatural;
4. If rogues go for the flag, they pick it up and drop it until they are able to cap it or they lose it.

General Bots:
1. Create a documentation about bots and how they work. Also how we can spawn them into more zones;
2. Spread out more bots over the world;
3. On capitals, they stay many times on top of each other and don't really move around;
4. Socket / Enchanted gear on bots (I believe this is something that you're already planning to do).

Well, from what I remember, I believe this is all. Hope that we can get something positive out of this thread.

Best Regards,