i've been at this for days, i have about 10 friends i want to play with so hamachi won't cut it sadly. i haven't been home to try connecting from there. i've seen that forum post and tried that, to no avail. i'm stuck just scratching my head trying everything i find. i've also tried 4 different repacks. and unzipping fresh and trying again. but nothing.
i do notice, when i set the worldserver tabs, the dyndns or internal IP just make it close immediately, when i put it back to it opens normally. is there a different setting somewhere that makes that work correctly?
Did you try it for both computers? The one you're hosting it on, and the one you're playing it on? If not, maybe that will help, but I'm not sure.
I believe there are other places for the IP to go, like inside the database, setting the realmlist IP.
Also, try running the worldserver as admin when you run it with the dyndns/internal IP and see if you can get an error message with it, plus check the crash reports to see what it's saying.
I've finally got around to testing from my house and it works locally! which yay! but also dammit what am I doing wrong haha.
Honestly, I've got no clue, and I completely understand the frustration, I know what it feels like to have nothing work after multiple tries. I wish I could be of more help, but sadly I don't really know much about this.
I'm pretty sure that when the IP is set to the local IP of, the worldserver is only open locally, so whatever the problem is, it's the IP.
Now that I think of it, if the worldserver is closing immediately, it's probably because it can't connect to the MySQL and/or Auth servers. I can't really say why, all I know is it probably has something to do with the IP. Try setting all of your IPs (the one for your realmlist inside the database, using HeidiSQL, inside the worldserver.conf, and anywhere else an IP is set) to your actual IP, and see what happens (if the worldserver doesn't crash) locally and when at a different location.