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stuck logging into server?


Silver Supporter
so i set everything up and it seemed to be working great, until i logged in and clicked the realm to start playing, it just says logging into game server for a few seconds and then that goes away. do i have something stupid wrong? all my ports are opened, no firewalls on, hosts file modified as such.

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# mydyndns

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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so i set everything up and it seemed to be working great, until i logged in and clicked the realm to start playing, it just says logging into game server for a few seconds and then that goes away. do i have something stupid wrong? all my ports are opened, no firewalls on, hosts file modified as such.

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# mydyndns

I don't think port-forwarding is really necessary if you want to play your private server by yourself, but it doesn't hurt to have it, I guess.
Are all IP's at Did you change anything on the server or settings, or start up the server right after downloading it?


Silver Supporter
I don't think port-forwarding is really necessary if you want to play your private server by yourself, but it doesn't hurt to have it, I guess.
Are all IP's at Did you change anything on the server or settings, or start up the server right after downloading it?

should have probably been a bit more specific, I am trying to connect to a server i made from outside the server. I forwarded all the ports correctly etc, i get to the login and login, but at the realmlist it just "connects" to the server, then the screen goes away and i'm still at the realmlist. the only thing i modified from after downloading was to login into the sql and change the realmlist to the dyndns name.

Mr. Satan

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should have probably been a bit more specific, I am trying to connect to a server i made from outside the server. I forwarded all the ports correctly etc, i get to the login and login, but at the realmlist it just "connects" to the server, then the screen goes away and i'm still at the realmlist. the only thing i modified from after downloading was to login into the sql and change the realmlist to the dyndns name.

Where is your server being hosted, exactly? Is it being hosted inside your house/wherever you're trying to login from, or somewhere else?
Either way, if you change the realmlist, you have to change the other IPs of the server, I believe.
You have to change the IP within the MySQL/Database, using something like HeidiSQL
You also have to modify your IPs in the worldserver.conf file:
LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;emucoachworld"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;characters"

When you said you changed the realmlist, was that only your clients realmlist?


Silver Supporter
I am hosting from my house, but I have been trying to login remotely, as i have been working on it from work/ my gfs house. yes i changed the mysql database realm in auth to my dyndns, however i didn't modify the worldserver as i figured would work. i just reconfigured the worldserver to be
LoginDatabaseInfo = "dyndns;3306;root;ascent;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = "dyndns;3306;root;ascent;emucoachworld"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = "dyndns;3306;root;ascent;characters"

but that didn't work either, same thing happens. I am able to log in, but when i click the realm it acts like it logs me in, but then after a 2 second freeze nothing. i enjoy my hair, but it may start coming out soon. i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I am hosting from my house, but I have been trying to login remotely, as i have been working on it from work/ my gfs house. yes i changed the mysql database realm in auth to my dyndns, however i didn't modify the worldserver as i figured would work. i just reconfigured the worldserver to be
LoginDatabaseInfo = "dyndns;3306;root;ascent;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = "dyndns;3306;root;ascent;emucoachworld"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = "dyndns;3306;root;ascent;characters"

but that didn't work either, same thing happens. I am able to log in, but when i click the realm it acts like it logs me in, but then after a 2 second freeze nothing. i enjoy my hair, but it may start coming out soon. i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.

That's weird, you're the second person I've seen with this problem, his friend was unable to join his server, and I'm not sure if he ever got it fixed, they quit replying after 2 or 3 attempts at fixing it. I don't really know what's causing this problem, all I can say is look up how to make a server public.
Have you tried connecting from your house, where its being hosted? If it works there, then its just a connection problem and most likely not a problem with the server itself. I'd recommend using Hamachi, only 5 people are allowed to connect to 1 Hamachi IP for the free version, but if it's just for you to play on then it shouldn't be a problem.

Edit: I was able to find something that might help:
I'd recommend trying this first, since it appears to have been a solution to a lot of people, while mine is just a guess at it.
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Silver Supporter
i've been at this for days, i have about 10 friends i want to play with so hamachi won't cut it sadly. i haven't been home to try connecting from there. i've seen that forum post and tried that, to no avail. i'm stuck just scratching my head trying everything i find. i've also tried 4 different repacks. and unzipping fresh and trying again. but nothing.
i do notice, when i set the worldserver tabs, the dyndns or internal IP just make it close immediately, when i put it back to it opens normally. is there a different setting somewhere that makes that work correctly?


Silver Supporter
I've finally got around to testing from my house and it works locally! which yay! but also dammit what am I doing wrong haha.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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i've been at this for days, i have about 10 friends i want to play with so hamachi won't cut it sadly. i haven't been home to try connecting from there. i've seen that forum post and tried that, to no avail. i'm stuck just scratching my head trying everything i find. i've also tried 4 different repacks. and unzipping fresh and trying again. but nothing.
i do notice, when i set the worldserver tabs, the dyndns or internal IP just make it close immediately, when i put it back to it opens normally. is there a different setting somewhere that makes that work correctly?

Did you try it for both computers? The one you're hosting it on, and the one you're playing it on? If not, maybe that will help, but I'm not sure.
I believe there are other places for the IP to go, like inside the database, setting the realmlist IP.
Also, try running the worldserver as admin when you run it with the dyndns/internal IP and see if you can get an error message with it, plus check the crash reports to see what it's saying.

I've finally got around to testing from my house and it works locally! which yay! but also dammit what am I doing wrong haha.

Honestly, I've got no clue, and I completely understand the frustration, I know what it feels like to have nothing work after multiple tries. I wish I could be of more help, but sadly I don't really know much about this.

I'm pretty sure that when the IP is set to the local IP of, the worldserver is only open locally, so whatever the problem is, it's the IP.
Now that I think of it, if the worldserver is closing immediately, it's probably because it can't connect to the MySQL and/or Auth servers. I can't really say why, all I know is it probably has something to do with the IP. Try setting all of your IPs (the one for your realmlist inside the database, using HeidiSQL, inside the worldserver.conf, and anywhere else an IP is set) to your actual IP, and see what happens (if the worldserver doesn't crash) locally and when at a different location.


Silver Supporter
SO i had to set the realmlist to my IP not the dyndns or anything, my isp ip address, and then set my host file accordingly.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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SO i had to set the realmlist to my IP not the dyndns or anything, my isp ip address, and then set my host file accordingly.

Awesome, I'm glad you got it figured out!
And it's good to know what might be a cause for people who have this problem in the future.


Silver Supporter
indeed i was getting so mad that i was getting like 3/4 in but not in the game. all's well now, have a few friends in while i'm at work to test it out. really excited about it. thanks for all your help!