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Stuck at "You Have Been disconnected From the Server


Silver Supporter
I hoped it did everything right but i guess it's not the case.

I wanted to setup the repack to play with friends on hamachi.

so i did the following.

1)follow the entire video to setup the actual server.
2)created the hamachi network
3)changed ip in realmlist table to my hamachi ip
4)changed realmlist.wtf on the client to my hamachi ip

both me and my brother cant connect because after the message "connected" displays, almost instantly i get greeted with "you have been disconnected from the server"

P.S: using as address works, so the server itself is properly working locally....dunno what i should do :(


Silver Supporter
Hey there!
I would suggest you to read this tutorial:

And make sure you have done all the steps, plus disabling your firewall (or allowing the specefic ports) in case that blocks.

Also, you don't get any worldserver console error, when trying to connecto the realm, do you?

ok i actually am able to go through the connection but my brother can't, and it not the same "error" as before.

now it basicly is stuck on "logging the game server" with the server list on the background.

plus, i have done it in public(not hamachi) after that(following the whole guide)

as for the console error, no, i dont see any errors