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Stuck at realm list


Trial Member
Dear group this is my first posting I havent played wow for some time but had the thought i would start my own private wow server so my friends can come round and we can play together but no such luck I have the latest emucoach repack and 434 client every time I try to connect to the server i can login but only get as far as the realm list i select the realm and it says loggin in and then goes back to the realm list im running windows 8 annoyingley but the client will work perfectley on the server where everything is running but the moment i try on a diffrent machine with the client i cant get into the realm does anyone have any thoughts what im doing wrong I have tryed various diffrent repacks all do the same thing begining to pull my hair out.

Hope somebody can help regards Andre


Trial Member
few things to try,

Right click on your wow folder and make sure that it isnt read only. if it is take it off appl and ok.
make sure your running the right client for your system 64 bit or 32 bit
my friend had this issue with the download i used, and using a different download fixed it


Trial Member
I am running windows 8 32bit no mator what i seem to try i get nowhere i have the 4.3.4 client i have made sure the folders are not read only but just to make things clear the Windows 8 pc thats 32 bit is running the mysql and the auth and the world server the client i have will work perfect on the same machine as im running the server on and when i log in it goes straight into the realm but when i try to do this on another machine connecting to the server machine via wired lan it stops at the realm screen it has let me login but wont go pas the realm and when i click the emucoach realm it just says logginging in to game server then returns to the realm screen i only have a problem if i try to connect from another machine using the client i have that works on the main server machine in the logs on the client this is what i am getting

6/14 18:40:58.693 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK
6/14 18:40:58.762 GRUNT: state: RESPONSE_CONNECTED result: LOGIN_OK
6/14 18:40:58.793 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_AUTHENTICATING result: LOGIN_OK
6/14 18:40:58.828 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CHECKINGVERSIONS result: LOGIN_OK
6/14 18:40:58.977 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_HANDSHAKING result: LOGIN_OK
6/14 18:40:59.012 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_AUTHENTICATED result: LOGIN_OK
6/14 18:40:59.045 ClientConnection Initiating: COP_CONNECT code=CSTATUS_CONNECTING
6/14 18:41:00.365 ClientConnection Completed: COP_CONNECT code=RESPONSE_FAILED_TO_CONNECT result=FALSE
6/14 18:41:01.318 ClientConnection Completed: COP_CONNECT code=RESPONSE_CANCELLED result=FALSE
6/14 18:41:01.347 ClientConnection Initiating: COP_CONNECT code=CSTATUS_CONNECTING
6/14 18:41:02.385 ClientConnection Completed: COP_CONNECT code=RESPONSE_FAILED_TO_CONNECT result=FALSE
6/14 18:41:05.963 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_DISCONNECTED result: LOGIN_OK

I do not currentley have any firewall running when trying to make this work



Trial Member
have you opened up all the ports you need to? i suggest placing your client machine in your routers DMZ and trying again this will show whether its an issue with incoming connections being blocked