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Stuck at "Connected"

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Trial Member
Just set up the Emucoach Repack for 4.3.4 and everything went fine, except I can't figure out how to get pass "Connected" Usually it goes to connected for a second or two and proceeds to your character list. Mine literally just sits there until I get disconnected. I have forwarded port 8085, re-downloaded the entire repack.....what gives?


Trial Member
My apologies for being "that guy". Should have searched a little more, but when I downloaded OpenSSL and dragged the two .dlls from the folder, it gave me a "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) error. Errrmaaageeerrddd this is annoying so annoying.

When I downloaded the ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll zips posted by Pewz in your thread it changed from being stuck at connected to giving me the 0xc000007b error when starting authserver.exe and worldserver.exe. For anybody who is wondering how I fixed it, I looked up the problem on AC-WEB.org and one reply gave 3 or 4 links to items that needed to be downloaded. .Net framework 3.5+, OpenSSL-1.0.0.d, and MSVCR 2010 SP1. I downloaded all of those and when I dragged the two .dlls from the new OpenSSL directory it immediately fixed the problem.

Thank you for sharing your thread hellhammer, +rep.
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