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StrongWoW 3.3.5a 255 Cap


Trial Member
Patch: 3.3.5a

Server features:

- Instant 255
- Balanced Classes
- Custom Instances
- Custom Tier 1 to Tier 17 & PvP Sets
- Custom Gladiator Set Tier 17 PvP / Arena Honor
- Gurubashi Arena
- Working Battlegrounds & Arena
- Custom Gems & Enchants
- Instant Professions
- Custom Quests & World Bosses
- All classes unlocked for every race
- Special PvP reward per kill system
- VIP & VOTE Items
- Custom Weapons & Weapon Upgrades
- Special Morphs
- Transmog system & Transmog Mall
- Boosted spells & talents

Instances Info

- Razorfen Kraul: Tier 1 Armor
- Ragefire Chasm: Tier 1 Weapons
- Onyxia's Lair: Tier 2
- Shadowfang Keep: Tier 3 Weapons
- Pit of Saron: Tier 3 and Tier 4
- Scarlet Monastery: Tier 5
- Deadmines: Tier 6
- Gundrak: Tier 7
- Vault of Archavon: Tier 8
- Zul'Aman: Tier 8
- Gruul's Lair: Tier 12
- The Arcatraz: Tier 13
- The Blood Furnance: Tier 14
- Utgarde Keep Tier 15
- The Nexus Tier 16
Website https://strong-wow.com