[Location, Faction, Race] Anywhere, Alliance, Night Elf (Druid/Rogue)
[Name, Type] Stealth/ Prowl, Spell
[Problem Description] Creatures cant detect you while stealthed. If you stand near an enemy it will "spot" you and engage in combat, but mid swing / after spell cast the creature will disengage from combat.
If you have Enter/Exit combat text on you can see it spams the Enter>Exit combat constantly if standing near an enemy.
[How it should work] Creatures that detect you should be able to pull you out of spells as they know where you are.
Not even creatures that were more then 30 Lvls above a stealthed player could detect them properly.
[Name, Type] Stealth/ Prowl, Spell
[Problem Description] Creatures cant detect you while stealthed. If you stand near an enemy it will "spot" you and engage in combat, but mid swing / after spell cast the creature will disengage from combat.
If you have Enter/Exit combat text on you can see it spams the Enter>Exit combat constantly if standing near an enemy.
[How it should work] Creatures that detect you should be able to pull you out of spells as they know where you are.
Not even creatures that were more then 30 Lvls above a stealthed player could detect them properly.