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[SQL - Release] Player Spawn Location (5.4.8 - Skyfire)


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Epic Member
I know this has been remade a million times and shared a million times. Yet i want too share my progress.

This should work on all trinitycore based cores!

@MAP := 'MAP',-- you may edit this too the correct cordinate.
@ZONE := 'ZONE ',-- you may edit this too the correct cordinate.
@X := 'X-Cordinates',-- you may edit this too the correct cordinate.
@Y := 'Y-Cordinates',-- you may edit this too the correct cordinate.
@Z := 'Z-Cordinates',-- you may edit this too the correct cordinate.
@O := 'O-Cordinates'; -- you may edit this too the correct cordinate.

-- Please dont touch anything Below This!
UPDATE playercreateinfo SET map=@MAP, zone=@ZONE, position_X=@X, position_Y=@Y, position_Z=@Z, orientation=@O

This SQL Query will modify every single class/race's spawn location too one desired location. (you choose that)

Please dont claim this as your own work. ( it may be simple, but show some respect )

May be re-release with proper credits provided. Thank you!