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Spooky Jack O? Lantern Carving Halloween Contest - Scopehosts.com


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Hello all,

Scopehosts.com have come up with the spooktacular halloween contest to make your halloween celebration amazing. They are running a contest

"Spooky Jack O' Lantern Carving Halloween Contest".
Design it , carve it , display it

When black cats prowl and pupmkins gleam, may luck be yours this halloween.

The contest consists of the following steps:

STEP 1: Follow Scopehosts on Facebook and Twitter.

STEP 2: Like and Share the JACK-O-LANTERN CONTEST Post.

STEP 3: Be creative - Carve the pumpkin in most SCARY manner.

STEP 4: In laptop/PC/Tab make sure to open Scopehosts.com website, beside place the carved pumpkin and CLICK SELFIE OR PICTURE with that.

STEP 5: Post the pumpkin carved Picture in comment section by tagging your friend to participate in this contest and make sure to hashtag it with #JACKOLANTERN, #HALLOWEENCONTEST, #SCOPEHOSTS

Follow these 5 simple steps and win exciting goodies. To get revealed with the goodies,click here.



1. Contest starts from 25th October and ends on 31st October 2018.
2. The winning entries will display high levels of Originality and Scary carved pumpkins.
3. The participants should Tag minimum one of their Friend in the comment section.
4. Try to take the best picture possible, as picture quality helps to make a good impression on the judges.
5. Make sure you tell us what the pumpkin is supposed to be in the caption, just in case it's not clear.
6. Winners will be declared on 5th November 2018 on Scopehosts Facebook Page.
7. Winners will have to provide their Name, E-mail within 2 days to avail their prize.
8. Each winner can claim only a single prize.
9. Scopehosts is not responsible for any inaccurate entry information.

Why are you still waiting? Just follow these simple steps and win exciting prizes.

For more updates, you can email us directly: sales@scopehosts.com

For any queries contact us directly here

Scophostst wishses you a fun and spooky halloween filled with lots of yummy treats!!!