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|Sponsor Needed|Fireland WoW| Instant 85 & PvP Realm


Trial Member

Instant 85

Hi everyone on AC-Web i would like to present my project and ask for your help!
This server is currently fully releated to PvP System as we want to grow up slowly, working on both PvP and PvE would take double or more time and would leave us no more work. So by the time we will show more and more things this way!
Major topic is 'Fireland" much things will happen there from our Mall that will provide Gear,Proffesions,Duel Zone,Chill Zone and many more activities. As this idea is still about rework i cant tell more about it.

Reason why its Cataclysm patch & PvP?
* Reason is very simple to explain since Cataclysm patch is shown as one of the best places to do PvP alot of people wont agree with me here, but i know many will. In my opinion Cataclysm is one of the most balanced PvP Systems around.

What all will be located in Fireland, since the zone its big?

Our goal is to fill the Mall zone where it will be located. The rest will come within time, aswell and duelzone.
But we had also something even more cool to add into the place and it will be World Bosses, which will be located in some spots. Drops usually and probably will be something releated to PvP and PvP Quests. As idea is still going under development, expect even more from this!

Are our recruitments open?

*Yes indeed, recruitment is open and your more than welcome to apply for any following possition
*Developer C++/SQL/Web
*Marketing Team
*Sponsor for a project (Machine payment, we got one machine in plan which is cheap)
Every possition that is filled will be market with green tag * and the things we still need *

What will be reward to contributors? As the project is idea that is not going to earn any money. We are not going to provide any money. Everyone who sign for any of the posstions will be a volounter with the joy of Cataclysm.

Person that invest in project will be Partner of me as investitor for me is big thing, and to show my thankful.

As the server is currently under development i call you to join our discord which is located right under this text

DISCORD https://discord.gg/ybs7DXX
WEBSITE http://fireland-wow.eu

More will come as soon as we get any updates!
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