Sphynx WoW - 3.3.5a - Custom Blizzlike
Hello & Welcome!
General Info
Furious realm is created to improve the Blizzlike feeling. Just improved a bit. You will find new ways that will make your experience within the game better.
You will also feel a more pleasant gameplay and a new focus.
We want the best for our players. And have created new features that will help you become a top player. As we like to put it. We have given our players a little forward kick to the right direction.
And with that said, we hope that you will feel this.
Everything not blizzlike in Furious realm will not create a disadvantage for anyone. There will be some fun stuff aswell, and some time consuming events.
There will also be more to come!
Server Info
Wrath of The Lich King - 3.3.5a Client.
Mid-Rate x7 - Quest, Items, Reputation and also higher Profession rates.
Progressive - As much as we can!
Spells On Levelup - Instead of getting to a trainer, you learn the spells directly on levelup!
Starting Heirlooms - Vendor at every starting place.
Transmogrifier - A "Gear Transformator", change the appearence of your gear.
New Anti-Cheat System - This will help us keep track on cheaters/hackers easier!
Worldchat - Use .chat in-game to chat to everyone.
Killstreak - Kill other players and have a full on Killstreak!
Guildhouse - Join/Create a Guild to buy or teleport to the guild's own special meeting house.
One VS One Arena - Enter a Arena solo and defeat the enemy!
Arena Spectator - Spectate your friends Arena game!
Old School PvP Titles - Go PvP Titles NPC and buy yourself a Old School PvP Title! ( Req Kills )
Bounty Hunter - Place a Bounty on a player, and give the one who gets the kill a reward! ( Gold )
Starting With All Flight Paths - Fly to your next questing zone and skip walking!
Custom Cata/MoP Mounts - Coming Soon!
Custom Cata/MoP Pets - Coming Soon!
Custom Cata/MoP Gear - Coming Soon as Transmog & Further Game Play!
Custom Events - Coming Soon!
!Released 01/11-15!
We have now released the server for real. The Beta is over. We are still working on updating the server everyday, and making it even better and better. We are taking the "Blizzlike" part very serious.
Our progressive part is here from the start. Instances/Raids are locked and gear vendors have been deleted or cleaned of gear that is above the first content.
Custom Gear, Pets, Mounts and Events will be here. But our priority is still the blizzlike content.
Be sure to post realm suggestions, website suggestions and also report bugs/glithes you found on our forum. Everything helps and will be taken seriously. We want the best for you.
You will now be able to Choose if you wanna Level all the way up to 80, or if you just wanna go instant 80. We have enable some features that will make it very easy for you to obtain a fully geared character at start. So you will be able to choose at start if you wanna continue leveling like normal with Starting Heirloom Gear, of Instant 80. Just simple as that!
How to do it:
- Create Account On Website
- Create Character & Login
- Choose If You Go Instant 80 or Level By Yourself
( O.B.S: You wont gain Spell on LevelUp with Instant 80. Spells are FREE to learn in Dalaran at the Trainers. )
Website & Forum
Website/Forum may change from time to time before release.
You can also report Suggestions/Bugs about our Website & Forum.

Hello & Welcome!
General Info
Furious realm is created to improve the Blizzlike feeling. Just improved a bit. You will find new ways that will make your experience within the game better.
You will also feel a more pleasant gameplay and a new focus.
We want the best for our players. And have created new features that will help you become a top player. As we like to put it. We have given our players a little forward kick to the right direction.
And with that said, we hope that you will feel this.
Everything not blizzlike in Furious realm will not create a disadvantage for anyone. There will be some fun stuff aswell, and some time consuming events.
There will also be more to come!
Server Info
Wrath of The Lich King - 3.3.5a Client.
Mid-Rate x7 - Quest, Items, Reputation and also higher Profession rates.
Progressive - As much as we can!
Spells On Levelup - Instead of getting to a trainer, you learn the spells directly on levelup!
Starting Heirlooms - Vendor at every starting place.
Transmogrifier - A "Gear Transformator", change the appearence of your gear.
New Anti-Cheat System - This will help us keep track on cheaters/hackers easier!
Worldchat - Use .chat in-game to chat to everyone.
Killstreak - Kill other players and have a full on Killstreak!
Guildhouse - Join/Create a Guild to buy or teleport to the guild's own special meeting house.
One VS One Arena - Enter a Arena solo and defeat the enemy!
Arena Spectator - Spectate your friends Arena game!
Old School PvP Titles - Go PvP Titles NPC and buy yourself a Old School PvP Title! ( Req Kills )
Bounty Hunter - Place a Bounty on a player, and give the one who gets the kill a reward! ( Gold )
Starting With All Flight Paths - Fly to your next questing zone and skip walking!
Custom Cata/MoP Mounts - Coming Soon!
Custom Cata/MoP Pets - Coming Soon!
Custom Cata/MoP Gear - Coming Soon as Transmog & Further Game Play!
Custom Events - Coming Soon!
!Released 01/11-15!
We have now released the server for real. The Beta is over. We are still working on updating the server everyday, and making it even better and better. We are taking the "Blizzlike" part very serious.
Our progressive part is here from the start. Instances/Raids are locked and gear vendors have been deleted or cleaned of gear that is above the first content.
Custom Gear, Pets, Mounts and Events will be here. But our priority is still the blizzlike content.
Be sure to post realm suggestions, website suggestions and also report bugs/glithes you found on our forum. Everything helps and will be taken seriously. We want the best for you.
You will now be able to Choose if you wanna Level all the way up to 80, or if you just wanna go instant 80. We have enable some features that will make it very easy for you to obtain a fully geared character at start. So you will be able to choose at start if you wanna continue leveling like normal with Starting Heirloom Gear, of Instant 80. Just simple as that!
How to do it:
- Create Account On Website
- Create Character & Login
- Choose If You Go Instant 80 or Level By Yourself
( O.B.S: You wont gain Spell on LevelUp with Instant 80. Spells are FREE to learn in Dalaran at the Trainers. )
Website & Forum

Website/Forum may change from time to time before release.
You can also report Suggestions/Bugs about our Website & Forum.
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