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Sound not working only in wow


Veteran Member
So I log into WoW Randomly and I have just no sound at all. I’ve done CTRL s, Checked my files, messed with settings and switched them to default. Nothing has worked and its extremely frustrating. I’ve also tried other game clients of the game to see if it doesn’t make sound. This is extremely frustrating and I’ve tried other forums with no help and I don’t know what to do. Someone please help!

Here is my sound notepad just in case anyone wanted to see.

3/4 18:49:48.835 => User Settings Report:
3/4 18:49:48.835 - ========= PLAYBACK =========
3/4 18:49:48.835 - Enable All Sound [1]
3/4 18:49:48.851 - Enable SFX [1]
3/4 18:49:48.851 — Enable Error Speech [1]
3/4 18:49:48.870 — Enable Emote Sounds [1]
3/4 18:49:48.870 - Enable Music [1]
3/4 18:49:48.884 — Loop Music [0]
3/4 18:49:48.884 — Pet Battle Music [1]
3/4 18:49:48.904 - Enable Ambient Sounds [1]
3/4 18:49:48.917 - Sound at Character [1]
3/4 18:49:48.917 - Sound in Background [0]
3/4 18:49:48.931 - Enable Reverb [0]
3/4 18:49:48.931 - Enable Software HRTF [0]
3/4 18:49:48.931 - Sound Quality [1]
3/4 18:49:48.931 -
3/4 18:49:48.944 - ========== VOLUME ==========
3/4 18:49:48.944 - Master Volume [1.00]
3/4 18:49:48.944 - SFX Volume [1.00]
3/4 18:49:48.944 - Music Volume [0.40]
3/4 18:49:48.944 - Ambience Volume [0.60]
3/4 18:49:48.959 -
3/4 18:49:48.959 - =========== MISC ===========
3/4 18:49:48.959 - Sound Channels [24]
3/4 18:49:48.973 - Mix Mode 2 [0]
3/4 18:49:48.973 - DSP Buffer Size [AUTO]
3/4 18:49:48.973 - Armor Foley SFX (Self) [1]
3/4 18:49:48.990 - Armor Foley SFX (Others) [1]
3/4 18:49:48.990 => End of User Settings Report


Silver Supporter
Senior User
I ran into this issue years ago on retail WoTLK. Turned out it had nothing to do with the WoW client. I had to uninstall the Realtek sound drivers then reinstall them.
Took a bit to figure that out since sound worked for other games and Windows in general and only intermittently stopped working in WoW.

So if your audio chipset it Realtek give that a try.

I have also seen in Windows 10 that if you use HDMI video (which also sends audio) Windows will sometime change the audio output from HDMI to internal Speaker (audio output). To force the issue you can go into the Windows sound setting and disable the output you don't want to use. That forces Windows to use the only available input. Windows 10 also has the option to set this on a per application basic but it is buried in teh setting. You can Google the subject if interested.

Hope you get it sorted out.


Trial Member
Sri Lanka
for earlier sound not working in fedora .. well you have to disable startup sound which are used in KDE . for second.....

i think you post the output of
cat /proc/pci