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Do you enjoy EmuCoach repack?

  • Nah, man, it sucks balls...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Veteran Member
Wroclaw, Poland

I hear more and more about new version of emucoach repack and me and the rest of my crew is really fired up about it. We were wondering about something - because there are some major bugs in the repack atm, it's kinda pointless to make it public - people would just join, play a while and leave, because they couldn't play as they want. So our question is: will the next version be a lot more playable, so we could make some sort of PTR to let people try it and also do some bugtracking to help us (and you of course) improve the repack?

Also, we got our hands on a sweet website - Pewz might know on which one ;) It has a nice graphics, a Cataclysm mood, a nice script which shows a percentage of Horde and Alliance on the server (which need a little improvement - I tried doing it, but it was kinda futile) and in general - it just fits. Do you guys want to adopt it into repack aswell and add some sort of a forum to it (cause this site has a link to it so I was wondering about even a simple one)? One thing that needs to be improved in that particular site is a register page - it doesn't send any confirmation on e-mail, since it doesn't require it in the first place. And it would be a nice improvement, especially in a situation, when someone forgets a password.

A voting system question has been asked in different topic - dunno why I did it >.<

I was wondering about making an Armory page - are there any ready-to-go armories, just waiting to be added to the website or it has to be done by self?

One more question, which comes from my friend - "bugtracking aside, what else can we do to help you improve this repack, when we don't know much about scripting and programming in general? Xaryon know somethings about making websites, that's why he was able to change a code a little bit in our version so it would work for our server. What can we do to help you release a new version of repack?"
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Hey there,

There's indeed some big bugs on the repack, and to answer your qeustion - you can expect fixes in the new version of course however currently it's only a friend of mine (who is doing some work on it) and myself (And I'm quite busy atm due to school etc) who's working with the repack, which results in slow developement.

Honestly right now I'm not sure what you can do other than try to report bugs (that is already being done actively) as you said yourself, you don't have knowledge with scripting and such.

However I appreciate that you are trying, and I can let you know if I come up with something.

- Only thing I could come in mind of atm, (which doesn't have anything to do with fixing) is just announcing the repack and giving it enough of attention.


Senior User
"I was wondering about making an Armory page - are there any ready-to-go armories, just waiting to be added to the website or it has to be done by self?'
There are ready-to go armories yes.
Some you can get here for fusion ( the modules ) and add them to your website http://fusion.duloclan.com/
Lots of useful modules for your website on that website too, also check emu-devstore.com
I'm sure that you'll find it useful :p