Check this from the repack faq buddy:
I'm stucked on connected, what should I do?:
Some are having this issue, and this is due to the dll files, most likely.
You might have an error as WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 1, char [GUID: 0, name: <no
ne>]) sent malformed packet (size: 23510, cmd: 404207326) in worldserver as well.
There are different solved support threads you can find and check a solution for it, however follow these steps:
There are some different solutions for this but in short: First of all try to take ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll out of your folder and see how it will react (let me know if it gives error, or works or whatever) If this does not work, download OpenSSL (not lite version), and put the ssleay32.dll from OpenSSL folder to your server (release) folder.
If you still have the issue lmk and I will debug further. (And please tell me if you use 32x bit or 64x bit)