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Some Bugs


Veteran Member
First bug i encountered is Hour of Twilight , you can't talk with Thrall so u can;t do the dungeon
2: Throne of Tides , u can;t talk with Neptulon so u can't kill last boss
3 :Isle of Conquest , u get alot honor in that
4 : Some boss in BWD give 1 Valor point and Also Last boss when u click the orb nothing happend .
5 : (This bug idk if need more than 2 players ) Well of Etenity , Azshara after u kill first wave of moobs insta kill you ( This idk if req more people )
6:Shadowfang Keep some npc u can't attack them .
7 : Grim Batol , after u kill first boss . When u mount on red drake he do not fly .
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Senior User
2: Throne of Tides , u can;t talk with Neptulon so u can't kill last boss -- works perfectly fine, if you have killed all previous bosses (script will then enable the gossip linking when talking to him)
4 : Some boss in BWD give 1 Valor point and Also Last boss when u click the orb nothing happend -- Made a whole rework for Valor and justice points when killing bosses (Upcoming in V13)
5: (This bug idk if need more than 2 players ) Well of Etenity , Azshara after u kill first wave of moobs insta kill you ( This idk if req more people ) -- Requires more people, because other people in your group have to kill the hand thats grabbing you -> works as intended overall