- 163
- 2015
- 33
Some basic information about making a private WOW server
If you are annoyed by the website design, you can find this same page here (in black and white). It's also mobile-friendly.
You don’t need advanced knowledge to create a working server. In fact, you can even be a complete incompetent and still make a server. I’m going to explain few things everybody knows in the emulation scene.
Private servers are all based upon an existing emulator. An emulator is a program you have to compile yourself from a source code and which emulates WOW servers. These emulators are written in C++. It “contains” the systems, the spells, the dungeons mechanics, the boss fights etc... Check this picture for a sum up (taken from modcraft).
Within the database, you can create new quests, new simple events, new NPCs and tons of different things. It’s not complex when your goal is only to add simple content. Yes, scripting most quests is not technically hard, tedious maybe, but not hard.
It requires (some) SQL knowledge.
TrinityCore is the most advanced and stable emulator (on the 3.3.5a version), and that explains why it’s the most used.
TBC servers are pretty rare because the 2.4.3 emulators’ development was slowed down/abandoned for a long time and therefore, are not considered good enough to make a successful server (there are bugs you won’t find on a vanilla or WOTLK server).
1.3.3 This server is not using TrinityCore but Badass-Name-Core, what is it ?
Every server is based upon an emulator, so when you see « Badass-Name-Core version 2 will be soon released for our loyal players », it only means they added their own modifications to an existing emulator and renamed it.
There are many (many, many) servers doing this, using only TrinityCore source code. Same goes for Mangos. It means they don’t fix any bug by themselves since they don’t have any real developers, they just update their core with official updates from TrinityCore or Mangos.
There are even big servers functioning like this (more than 1k players online), especially in non-english speaking countries where the emulators are less known by the population since it requires to understand english. They do not really care about the game experience they offer, and since they are at the top of the WOW toplists, that’s sufficient to earn new players and money regularly. And anyway, players are very happy to read TrinityCore’s changelog so why working more ?
You can, though, completely modify the source code and turn it into whatever you want but it requires programming knowledge. That’s also how different emulators were made, by deriving from another one.
You can modify some configuration settings too but you can’t modify the source code. It means, you can’t fix core bugs and improve systems, you have to rely on the repack provider for this. You can, though, modify the database and make custom items, NPCs, quests etc...
One popular repack is Jeutie’s or EmuCoach's repack, depending on patch.
Some servers are even running on repacks up to this day, very outdated repacks (there is one in particular, a TBC server with hundreds of players).
Eluna and SmartAI are “tools” you can add to your server when building it. It can ease your work a lot if you’re new to programming but comes with limitations. I let you look for these by yourself.
Eluna allows you to use Lua along with C++.
SmartAI allows you to create scripts within the Database directly.
There are many patches already made which bring new assets (from other expansions for example). It is just a matter of finding the resource and following a tutorial.
WOD models for 3.3.5a has most likely be released already (and not by Warmane).
Previous parts are referring to installing, and thus, hosting your private server on your own computer (local host). You can run a server from your home, but it might require some additional technical skills and might cost you more than renting a remote server. So let’s speak about dedicated servers.
You can find some VPS offers which will reduce the hassle of setting everything up. VPS are shared servers (shared with other customers) but with some pre-configured settings (can’t say more as I didn’t rent a VPS myself). You can also rent a dedicated server but it’s much more work to go through. I let you find more information about this by yourself because it’s not an easy subject.
There are also some one-page website on which you can only register for your ingame account.
There are free forums to download and install too.
There are pre-made themes/designs for you to download or buy.
All of these things do not require programming experience but thanks to these pre-made resources, you can set up a complete website allowing your players to register their account (playable ingame), check gear in the armory, track top kills, buy items from a premium/freemium shop etc...
CMS examples :
That’s how a WOW private server CMS looks like :
Screenshots folder. All these sites are made under a CMS.
Azer CMS themes.
Aquaflame CMS preview is used by Dalaran WOW.
But they all look like any private server website !
That’s normal, they all use the same CMS and same themes. 95% of the sites are made with the same CMS. Some were made with very old CMS/themes (like Vengeance WOW).
6.1 Owner
Usually the owner is the founder, the project leader, the administrator, the recruiter, the manager, the advertiser and one of the developers at least. He also pays for everything (server costs, domain name, ads), so he’s the “businessman”.
6.2 Core developers
They work on spells, events, boss scripts, core systems (RDF, battlegrounds, instances etc...). They program in C++, and eventually write Lua scripts if the emulator allows it. They also need to be able to work on the database (SQL).
6.3 Database developers
They work on the world, the mobs, the NPCs, the items, the events, and many, many different things. They manipulate a lot of data with SQL.
6.4 Web developers
6.4.1 Web designers
They make the design on Photoshop or GIMP (or something else) and may code it for the web, in an ideal case.
6.4.2 Front end developers
They code/integrate the design. It means they turn a bunch of images into an interactive website.
HTML, CSS, Javascript.
6.4.3 Back end web developers
They work on the dynamic systems (back end) such as login/register system, refer a friend and much more.
HTML, CSS, PHP, Jquery, Nodejs, SQL etc...
6.5 Client developers
They often develop graphical assets. Can work on very different things, spells, models, custom zones, sounds, interface, hex editing etc... It’s very wide and the least known development aspect.
Check out modcraft or model-changing for more information about this.
6.6 Moderators, game masters and testers
Everyone knows them already. Once other roles are filled, these prove to be very valuable.
So as you can see, follow up some tutorials during few days, and you can open a well working server without much knowledge and without a team. If you put more dedication into it you can go deeper, of course.
You may now understand why there are so many (poor) servers opening and closing all the time, why there are big servers full of bugs etc... In the past, many of these mediocre servers could become successful, it was easier to attract players, even if the end result was way worse than it is now. You just had to put your website on a topsite/toplist and it was enough to peak at 500 players online. Some of these servers have survived and are quite big nowadays. They were just here at the right moment. But you can’t do this anymore.
Big thanks to Barbzz for the article.
If you are annoyed by the website design, you can find this same page here (in black and white). It's also mobile-friendly.
You don’t need advanced knowledge to create a working server. In fact, you can even be a complete incompetent and still make a server. I’m going to explain few things everybody knows in the emulation scene.
1 Emulators
Private servers are all based upon an existing emulator. An emulator is a program you have to compile yourself from a source code and which emulates WOW servers. These emulators are written in C++. It “contains” the systems, the spells, the dungeons mechanics, the boss fights etc... Check this picture for a sum up (taken from modcraft).
1.1 How to use it ? Is it free ?
Servers emulators are open source, made by passionate developers and available to everyone. You can download the source code, spend few hours setting it up and you have your own server running. There are tutorials to help you out in this process. You don’t need to know how to program to compile.1.2 Database
Whether you use a repack (see below) or your own compiled server, you need a database to populate the world and save all the data created ingame (items, characters abilities, friend list etc...). It requires you to set it up but there are tutorials for this aswell. It is provided with the emulator or the repack.Within the database, you can create new quests, new simple events, new NPCs and tons of different things. It’s not complex when your goal is only to add simple content. Yes, scripting most quests is not technically hard, tedious maybe, but not hard.
It requires (some) SQL knowledge.
1.3 Tell me more about emulators
Available and widely used emulators are Mangos, cMangos and TrinityCore. There are other emulators like OregonCore. I let you find more information about this by yourself if you’re interested.1.3.1 Why are there almost only WOTLK and Vanilla private servers ?
Vanilla and WOTLK emulators are the most advanced ones available. Simple as that.TrinityCore is the most advanced and stable emulator (on the 3.3.5a version), and that explains why it’s the most used.
TBC servers are pretty rare because the 2.4.3 emulators’ development was slowed down/abandoned for a long time and therefore, are not considered good enough to make a successful server (there are bugs you won’t find on a vanilla or WOTLK server).
1.3.2 Why so many new WOD-based servers ?
That’s because TrinityCore is now focused on WOD (Warlords Of Draenor).1.3.3 This server is not using TrinityCore but Badass-Name-Core, what is it ?
Every server is based upon an emulator, so when you see « Badass-Name-Core version 2 will be soon released for our loyal players », it only means they added their own modifications to an existing emulator and renamed it.
1.4 Why are some servers so bad ?
Some servers run on a very old source code they modified through the years but missed a lot of updates from the official repositories, making them usually lower in quality. Before turning into Warmane, MoltenWOW 3.3.5a servers were not competing with Trinity Core’s quality (which everybody could compile into a server).1.5 What can I do with a freshly compiled server ?
1.5.1 You can already put it online
Once you compiled your emulator and installed the database, you already have a working and relatively bug-free World of Warcraft server. So you can already put it online to start attracting players.1.5.1 You can already put it online
There are many (many, many) servers doing this, using only TrinityCore source code. Same goes for Mangos. It means they don’t fix any bug by themselves since they don’t have any real developers, they just update their core with official updates from TrinityCore or Mangos.
There are even big servers functioning like this (more than 1k players online), especially in non-english speaking countries where the emulators are less known by the population since it requires to understand english. They do not really care about the game experience they offer, and since they are at the top of the WOW toplists, that’s sufficient to earn new players and money regularly. And anyway, players are very happy to read TrinityCore’s changelog so why working more ?
1.5.2 Or customise it
You can modify some settings very easily by changing values in a configuration file. You can choose the type of realm (pvp/pve), set the xp/money/loot rates and many other things. It’s very easy and that explains why that’s usually the sole difference between most servers.You can, though, completely modify the source code and turn it into whatever you want but it requires programming knowledge. That’s also how different emulators were made, by deriving from another one.
2 Repacks
Repacks are pre-compiled emulators for you to use. It means you don’t have anything to do but to run an installer. You don’t need to know how to program nor how to compile. You need to know how to click though.You can modify some configuration settings too but you can’t modify the source code. It means, you can’t fix core bugs and improve systems, you have to rely on the repack provider for this. You can, though, modify the database and make custom items, NPCs, quests etc...
One popular repack is Jeutie’s or EmuCoach's repack, depending on patch.
Some servers are even running on repacks up to this day, very outdated repacks (there is one in particular, a TBC server with hundreds of players).
3 Eluna - SmartAI - and others
Eluna and SmartAI are “tools” you can add to your server when building it. It can ease your work a lot if you’re new to programming but comes with limitations. I let you look for these by yourself.
Eluna allows you to use Lua along with C++.
SmartAI allows you to create scripts within the Database directly.
4 Patches
There are many patches already made which bring new assets (from other expansions for example). It is just a matter of finding the resource and following a tutorial.
WOD models for 3.3.5a has most likely be released already (and not by Warmane).
5 Hosting a server publicly
Previous parts are referring to installing, and thus, hosting your private server on your own computer (local host). You can run a server from your home, but it might require some additional technical skills and might cost you more than renting a remote server. So let’s speak about dedicated servers.
5.1 Dedicated servers (or VPS)
5.1.1 What to choose ?
You better use a cheap dedicated host instead of your home computer, (10$ or 20$/month) to handle enough players 24h/24. It will be enough for the average server population.5.1.1 What to choose ?
You can find some VPS offers which will reduce the hassle of setting everything up. VPS are shared servers (shared with other customers) but with some pre-configured settings (can’t say more as I didn’t rent a VPS myself). You can also rent a dedicated server but it’s much more work to go through. I let you find more information about this by yourself because it’s not an easy subject.
5.1.2 Then they can come and play ?
You need to configure few things before. To sum it up, your server has an IP, your players only have to change their realmlist to your IP to be able to play on your server. You just need to open one of your server port to allow players to connect through it. Some use Hamachi to avoid troubles.5.2 Website
You need a website for players to create their account and to attract them. Host it on your dedicated server/VPS.5.2.1 How to make one ?
You need some PHP skills atleast, and a design + someone to code/integrate the design.5.2.2 No programming skills
If you don’t have all of the above, use a CMS, a pre-made website. FusionCMS and AzerCMS are well known (compatible with TrinityCore but FusionCMS can work with Mangos).There are also some one-page website on which you can only register for your ingame account.
There are free forums to download and install too.
There are pre-made themes/designs for you to download or buy.
All of these things do not require programming experience but thanks to these pre-made resources, you can set up a complete website allowing your players to register their account (playable ingame), check gear in the armory, track top kills, buy items from a premium/freemium shop etc...
CMS examples :
That’s how a WOW private server CMS looks like :
Screenshots folder. All these sites are made under a CMS.
Azer CMS themes.
Aquaflame CMS preview is used by Dalaran WOW.
But they all look like any private server website !
That’s normal, they all use the same CMS and same themes. 95% of the sites are made with the same CMS. Some were made with very old CMS/themes (like Vengeance WOW).
5.2.3 A domain name
You can “buy” (=rent) a domain name, else your website address will be something like, which is not easy to remember. There are cheap ones, there are free ones, and there are expensive ones.6 Server staff
Some of the common roles.6.1 Owner
Usually the owner is the founder, the project leader, the administrator, the recruiter, the manager, the advertiser and one of the developers at least. He also pays for everything (server costs, domain name, ads), so he’s the “businessman”.
6.2 Core developers
They work on spells, events, boss scripts, core systems (RDF, battlegrounds, instances etc...). They program in C++, and eventually write Lua scripts if the emulator allows it. They also need to be able to work on the database (SQL).
6.3 Database developers
They work on the world, the mobs, the NPCs, the items, the events, and many, many different things. They manipulate a lot of data with SQL.
6.4 Web developers
6.4.1 Web designers
They make the design on Photoshop or GIMP (or something else) and may code it for the web, in an ideal case.
6.4.2 Front end developers
They code/integrate the design. It means they turn a bunch of images into an interactive website.
HTML, CSS, Javascript.
6.4.3 Back end web developers
They work on the dynamic systems (back end) such as login/register system, refer a friend and much more.
HTML, CSS, PHP, Jquery, Nodejs, SQL etc...
6.5 Client developers
They often develop graphical assets. Can work on very different things, spells, models, custom zones, sounds, interface, hex editing etc... It’s very wide and the least known development aspect.
Check out modcraft or model-changing for more information about this.
6.6 Moderators, game masters and testers
Everyone knows them already. Once other roles are filled, these prove to be very valuable.
7 Conclusion
So as you can see, follow up some tutorials during few days, and you can open a well working server without much knowledge and without a team. If you put more dedication into it you can go deeper, of course.
You may now understand why there are so many (poor) servers opening and closing all the time, why there are big servers full of bugs etc... In the past, many of these mediocre servers could become successful, it was easier to attract players, even if the end result was way worse than it is now. You just had to put your website on a topsite/toplist and it was enough to peak at 500 players online. Some of these servers have survived and are quite big nowadays. They were just here at the right moment. But you can’t do this anymore.
Big thanks to Barbzz for the article.