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Solocraft | Instances |V13.1-Solo VIP Gold

Someone posted below about crashing in an instance resets your default stats to a new amount. I can attest to that as well as give another example to reproduce the issue without a system crash which makes this issue a little more critical.

  • [Location, Faction, Race]Map name,And area name: All Races, All Factions
  • [Name, Type] All Instances
  • [Problem Description] If you teleport/leave an instance and then log out at an Inn or somewhere with rest xp, when you log back in you will have reduced stats as your new default. Also, logging out anywhere outside of the instance will "sometimes" set your stats lower as well. I've had a higher percentage of it happening in an inn or city though.
  • [How it should work] Your default stats should never be less than what they are supposed to be at your given lvl and gear/buffs.
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