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Simple & straight to the point GM Ticket Tool


Verified Member
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
This is a simple GM tool for Trinity Core EMU for reading in game submitted player tickets.
Its pretty basic as it pulls data from the Character DB at the GM_Tickets table and pulls player account ID to mate the ticket to the account who submitted the ticket. This script-set lists all submitted tickets by players and give the option to read, delete, etc. manage the tickets.
This was written by a friend of mine for Ascent/ARCEMU back in 2007 and we re-tuned it for TrinityCore in late 2013.
Nothing eye candy fancy and sorry I don't have a screenshot of it. but its your basic tables and all the visuals are handled in the style.css document.
The config.php is where you set up for your system.

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Verified Member
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Found a minor bug in this tool with the send mail feature. I cant work out whats going on with it. it is writing the reply in-game email to the mail table in the database BUT the mail is not being delivered to the toon.
If anyone wants to look at the code and see if I missed something feel free to but just let me know what you did to fix it so I can update the download file.