Hey, Rising-WoW is currently recruting developers to our project.
What we're looking for:
- SQL/SAI developers.
- C++ developers. (You'll script bosses, different scripts, bug fixes in the core, and you'll be working with a really good developer from the TrinityCore team, so you might learn a bit in the progress!)
- Eluna developers. (Script different scripts, make outdated scripts work)
- Noggit. (Make different maps etc)
Your jobs will be paid as soon as we get our donations and our playerbase right, our ideas for the future are to keep working on 4.3.4 and 5.0.5. But we're starting out with 3.3.5, because I believe we can get a lot of players if we do our work right, and do it unique.
I will give you more information about the server on skype, I wont reveal everything here.
Your job will be on "Darkhold 255" which is our 255 realm. When we're done with that realm, we'll be working on our Blizzlike realm (Fix spells, quests, etc). Well, you can pretty much choose which realm you want to work for.
A little bit about myself:
I am from Norway and I am 17 years old. I am currently the Admin of this project, and I am currently working with these languages Eluna, SQL, MPQ, DBC and some C++.
To get in contact with me, you can either PM me here, or add my skype: etoxthemusic

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