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ShadowGlen sentinel looking dead Fix


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I regrettably have not learned to apply fixes, or updates to databases as of yet unfortunately. Though I did manage (ty startpage search & youtube) to split the DB 3 times, and run a PVP, PVE, and RP Server using 1 MySQL DB, and 1 Authserver.conf file, and 3 modified Worldserver.conf files in a previous trinity based repack build here, and a WOLK build as well. :D I am sorry to appear simple-minded. I explained this in my bug report about this issue... lol (red-faced) Thank you for the rapid fix! It will help other more tech-knowledged out a lot. :)


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Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Download the latest version of Heidisql. When you start it, it will ask for the login info for your server. Fill it in and save it. Once logged in, It will show all the databases on the left. select the emucoach_v8_vip database. Then on the right you will see a tab that says query. copy and paste Pedro's code into that tab, at the top you will see what looks like a play button, hit that and bam the update is finished. at the bottom you will see wether it was successful or not.


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
View attachment Navicat 8 for MySQL.jpg
Download the latest version of Heidisql. When you start it, it will ask for the login info for your server. Fill it in and save it. Once logged in, It will show all the databases on the left. select the emucoach_v8_vip database. Then on the right you will see a tab that says query. copy and paste Pedro's code into that tab, at the top you will see what looks like a play button, hit that and bam the update is finished. at the bottom you will see wether it was successful or not.

Is this a similar process with NavicatMySQL? Navicat for MySQL <------- what I use since I started dabbling in DB, to change Server name, IP, misc stats etc. I THINK I got a picture of it to attach above your quote here? "New to doing that" as well! lol :D
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Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
View attachment 384

Is this a similar process with NavicatMySQL? Navicat for MySQL <------- what I use since I started dabbling in DB, to change Server name, IP, misc stats etc. I THINK I got a picture of it to attach above your quote here? "New to doing that" as well! lol :D

Navicat for mysql is just navicat with some addons put in it, It will eventually trash your database, Because it alters data to suit itself.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
Navicat for mysql is just navicat with some addons put in it, It will eventually trash your database, Because it alters data to suit itself.

Not up to par AT ALL today. Saw your warning a few moments ago on another post. Thabnk you for the heads up on that. I fear I may have several damaged databases then. Including 1 WOLK repack that ran like a dream & has an absolutaly AWESOME GM Island. (litterly feel like crying... it is a jewel WOLK server. Completely Blizzlike. Just had the perfect GM Island for GM use to aid players). I also lost the ONLY actually Blizzlike, working, Cata 4.0.6a server I had completely. Every one I found afterwards is modified beyond reckognition, and the closest one still working I found to Blizzlike, is Mangos, and missing MANY GM commands, and seems to restrict Data changes A LOT. IAs well as having the MySQL window hidden, and was HELL to figgure out the login to even access the DB... heh This IS the BEST CATA repack now "hands down" you will find, but there were some distinct, memorable, & fun differences in that version. They changed a lot in later versions. Including the ability to level weapon skills, and MORE quest in starter areas. It was actually in ways still WOLK-like, with the Cata add-ins bonuses. I downloaded those years ago, and no idea now where, or what the downloads was originally called even sadly. I only learned to launch/use them much later & lost my hard drive storage. So the original untrainted files for WOLK, and the entire Cata 4.0.6a entirely... are simply.... gone. heh. :eek:
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Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Well, If it still runs, You can still salvage it. If each database has a unique name for auth char and world databases, You can use heidisql to export each one separately. Make sure to check the boxes that say drop and create before you hit export. Get them all in a folder together, Start up the mysql that came with emucoach, And add them in there one at a time. Or just continue using whatever mysql you have been using, But learn to use heidsql. So you don't add to any problems.