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Shadowburn Entertainment [Info, Features & FAQ]


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Shadowburn [Info & Features]


Shadowburn is newly opened Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a) server.

We have Custom Realm(s) which give our players a chance to level a bit faster and use some of our Unique Features.
PvE and PvP wise, we strive to have best possible (Retail - Blizzlike) gaming environment with fully opened and working content.

We do NOT have any Custom Items (Like Tiers, Weapons or etc) which would give unfair advantage while in-game.

Custom Features

- Premium account with few unique features, like spawning your trainer, bank, auctioneer or level 60 mount.
- You can use mount from level 1, which works kinda like Chopper on Blizz.
- Also include few morph options.

- You will be able to transmog you gear to desired and obtained items or sets.
- There is option to Donate for Vanilla and Burning Crusade Tiers.
- We also made few unique Transmog Weapons like Frostmourne, Ashbringer and Shalamayne.

- Teleporter NPC with all zones in-game which have level requirements to be used.
- Can be found in any Capital city.
- Towards faster traveling, players will know all possible Flight Paths towards their Faction after logging in.

- Congrats module for leveling up with small and unique rewards - Some of them are vanity items.
- TCG rewards are between level 10 - 80 (Every 10th level)

- We also have a system that will reward players when they spend an hour in-game (With AFK check ofc)
- There is 50% to get profession mats rewards (Like, half stack of Ores, or few Ench crystals) with automatic /roll by server.

In-game Features

- Since we all know how boring leveling can be, we enabled an Heirloom vendor for new players that join server.
- Beside Heirloom vendor, in start zones there is an small NPC that will give few buffs to make leveling even faster (Blessing of Might or etc)

- Level requirements for each level are lowered for 30-35%.
- Also, players can choose their own rate - 1 or 3, with simple command in-game .setxp 3 (For example)

- Arena spectate is available as well.
- You can spectate any player with, yet again, simple command - .spec spectate Knindza (For example)

- Auctioneers added to Dalaran (Alliance and Horde sides) so players don't need to run back to other cities.
- This will help a bit to some players who don't have Premium Account.

- We enabled Crossfaction grouping which really helped a lot towards our first Server Raids.
- Party and Channel chat enabled as well - /join world
- Auction House, Trade and in-game email also available.

- In-game email delivery system is reduced to 1 minute (Down from 10)
- There is no reason to wait more when someone sand you something.

- Instant logout no matter where you are.
- Pretty unfair to be available only for our Game Masters.

- Health, Mana & Cooldowns now reset after each duel.
- Idea came from players and we decided to enable it.

- To keep PvP interesting, we enabled old PvP Tittles (Vanilla).
- Works same way as during Vanilla.

Website Features

- There are unique vote rewards at the end of every week.
- All players will get unique code which can be used in-game to obtain items.
- We also working on Personal vote store.

- Vanity items, pets and mounts can be obtained trough our store.
- Also you can subscribe monthly for any category.
- There is also option to donate for character boost, Transmog Art Weapons and much more.
- Note: We do NOT sell any in-game drops, like Tiers, Trinkets, Rings or etc.

- Transfer your character from any server - You will get an 'template character' with 190 ilvl.
- Guild transfers are possible as well - For bigger guilds, we will make an Guild House.
- Recruit System is also available (RAF) - Will earn Premium Account for 6 months.

If interested being a part of our community register your account here.

To connect -
set realmlist play.shadowburn.net

Feel free to join us on Discord and Forums.

Will update from time to time, with some in-game pictures.
Kind regards, Knindza.
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Verified Member

Here's our latest update log. Also, we changed few things in-game as well.

- Character and Guild transfers are now available.

In-game changes
- We modified (Reduced a little) xp level requirements for each level.
- All players will have unlocked flight paths.
- In-game email reduced to 1 minute.
- Instant logout for all players.

New in-game modules
- Anti cheat re-writen and enabled.
- Health, Mana & Cooldowns now reset after each duel.
- Mounts are shared across whole account (Still separated for Horde & Alliance as supposed)
- Congrats module for leveling up with small and unique rewards - Some of them are vanity items.
- PvP Tittles (Vanilla) enabled as well.

Also we offer free Premium Account for next 6 months to our first 100 players.
For more info, check our website.

Regards, Knindza.


Verified Member
Hello once again,

Time for our latest update log.

Guild Transfers
- We enabled option for Guild transfers, with same ilvl template as for character.
- Bonus for bigger guilds is an Guild House.

- Donation, Store page is fully complete.
- Vanity items, Pets, Mounts and much much more.

- We enabled Crossfaction grouping during Promo period which really helped players for first Raids.
- Party and Channel chat enabled as well.
- Acution House, Trade and in-game email available.

In-game changes
- Auctioneers added to Dalaran (Alliance and Horde sides) so players don't need to run back to other cities.
- Furions Gladiator Set and Offset items added with little reduced honor price - Everything else remain Blizzlike.

New Promo
- During next month, we enabled an Heirloom vendor for new players that join server.
- Beside Heirloom vendor, in start zones there is an small NPC that will give few buffs (Blessing of Might or etc) to our new question champions.

For more information, check our website.
Feel free to join Discord as well, where you can check pictures from our latest fixes or any other information u seek.

Regards, Knindza.


Verified Member
Time for latest changelog,

In-game changes

- We re-created our Premium Account Item, which now offer free teleport to Dalaran.
- Players can choose between experience rates - From 1x towards 3x - Simply type .setxp 3 (For example)

- Arena spectate option added as well via command - .spec spectate 'char name'
- Simple profession npc teleporters added so players can reach they trainers much faster!

Reward System

- Every time you spend 1 hour in-game, they will be automatic /roll which will (If lucky enough) give you few profession items (Not core items, but simple ones - Half stack of Ores or etc)

New Promo Video
