The Welcoming to Sha.
Greetings traveler!
We came here from Dalaran to inform you with the latest news.
It appears that the gnomish engineers of Codexgaming have once again surprised us!
Thus we came here with the quest to inform you all of our newest realms.
We have successfully brought up a new realm called Sha - Blizzlike!
The rates on this server are Absolutely untouched.
The Lich King has even forbidden the Gamemasters to be visible to players.
All the in-game content is as it was at retail, and no Super Power items are added into the game.
I'd like you to accept this quest to have a peek on the server itself!
Discord channel join now!
Set Realmlist

-Server information-
24/7 (99% UPTIME)
Anti DDoS protection
Xeon D-1520-32GB
24/7 Support
32 GB of RAM
2x480 SSD RAID 1
500 GB backup storage
1 GBIT bandwidth
Currently Recruiting:
Realm information
Sha - Blizzlike ;
This realm is running completely blizzlike, where the commands and rules for ingame moderation are set very strictly,
The rates are completely blizzlike, and you shall experience the true gameplay of world of Warcraft at its true level.
This realm is online and operational.
Nexus - High rates ;
This realm shall be created with the above-mentioned standard however the rates shall be higher, The end content shall remain the same however the rates to achieve your goals are set to x10.
This realm is online and operational.
Future realm plans:
Duskwood - Instant 80;
This realm is basically a realm where you start of as a level 80 player, in your local faction mall (Stormwind | Orgrimmar),
you get to experience the true player versus player action, due to you having to battle for better pieces of gear!
Gnomerian - 255 Fun;
the concept seems similar to different realms with the same idea, however, our plan is to still be different from these other realms.
The level road as you know shall be used however revised to a completely new level, our standards are higher, as usual, to provide you with unique gameplay, From Dungeons to PVP, you shall be amazed by the results!