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Server Review: Wrath-WoW


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Please take a moment to read this.
This reviews is one of the hardest and interesting reviews I've ever done. Simply because the server I reviewed is something I've never seen before and I think I won't see it somewhere else again.
In my opinion Wrath-WoW has taken the WoW Emulation to a new level with their mind-blowing content and scripting.
I already told them that it's like Blizzard Entertainment worked for this server. If you don't believe me, please go ahead and register on their website, download the patches, play the game and then come back to tell me what was like.
In just a couple of hours (after hitting max level) I got more and more into the actual story of this server. 6 months of development. Thats how much it took this guys to create something like that, which is really impressing.
Take in mind that the server is new and I can assure you that the team is working on something great, interesting, unique features that will grab your attention.
Before we begin I want to say thanks to Wrath-WoW's Staff Members for helping me do this review.


Wrath is using eye-catching website design. This is the first thing that we as players see. This is the thing that grabs our attention first. If the site looks bad, obviously the staff members are not putting alot time into their projects, which will immidiately make me think twice, before joining that server. Anyway, their website offers alot. From Top Voters Rewards to Character Teleportation and Recruit a Friend Features.
The registration is fast and easy, without having to activate your account, with your email address, however I advice you to use realm email address, in case you forget your password and want to play again with the same account. Downloading the custom patches is easy. You can't miss the button that leads to them.
The Community Forum looks great also. Really clean, user-friendly design and well organized.
Click here to visit the website!



I shared just a little information about the features that Wrath-WoW is offering to its players, however these were just little examples. I am going to share with you what I saw, while playing on the realm.
Max Level 255
1v1 Arena Master
3v3 Solo Queue Arena Master
Custom Scripted Quests
Fully Custom Scripted Raids and Dungeons
Custom Raids/Dungeons
Custom Storylines
Custom Transmogrification Items
Upgraded PvP Zones
Items from Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor
Scaled Old School Raids
and alot more to come...
The server was recently released and it already has great amount of working content and features. I am expecting alot in future, because I am going to review it again for sure.


The Starting Area is located in the dusty Grim Batol (Wetlands). There you can find the mall NPC's and ofcourse part of the leveling road. At the moment alot of players are using this zone as a Duel Zone. You can find pretty much everything there, but you won't be focusing on that when you login for the first time. The thing you will need to do is obviously getting to the max level, using the leveling roads.


There are 3 kinds of teleporters on this server.
One of them is the actual World Teleporter, which can teleport you to different zones like Custom Daily Quest Area, Raids, Dungeons, etc.
The other two teleporters are used for the Leveling Road. One of them teleports you to different parts of the Road that you are currently leveling in. For example you hit level 30 and go back to the Starting Area. Instead of running back to where you was, you can just use the teleporter and skip to the mobs that you need to level-up.
The other one is used to change the Leveling Roads. When you hit level 100 you have to change the leveling roads. This NPC will teleport you to the next level. Where the NPC's are Level 101-150. After reaching level 150 you will have to go on the next level, which is 150-200 and so on, untill you hit level 255.
After that you can visit this NPC again to start earning better gear.


The leveling is fast. I think I gained level after every single mob I kill, however it's not always easy. I remember dying alot, while leveling. It's not like every other 255 funrealm, where u spent alot of time leveling, without any challenge. I want to to thank Derenia for helping me. I had some hard times with some mobs. I want to include that most of the creatures are not random mobs that are auto-attacking you. They are actually casting spells, stunning you and dealing high-amount of damage.
The leveling areas are pretty well organized. Snowy Place - Ice Creatures, Forest Place - Treants, Flowers, etc, so you can actually get into the entire leveling experience. I wanted to point that out, because some of you may not notice this, while leveling... ^^


You hit max level? Alright, Congratulations! Let's move on to the next stage - Getting Better Gear.
Now I guess you think that you have to go clearing some dungeons or do some really boring quests.
Well you are wrong, when I got to the max level I went to Zul'Drak, where I had to take a quest chain. It was custom scripted quest-chain with custom bosses, that you had to kill. After completing these quests I was rewarded with Custom Currency that I could use to get myself better gear from the NPC that was placed right next to me.


After completing the quest - chain. You will be able to pick a couple of quests at once.
One of them was called "Cow Level" and saw that name on one of the locations in the World Teleporter, so I just had to check it out.
The whole place was something like Fun Area, full with different creatures, objects and quests. These creatures can drop alot of things, including items for Transmogrification. There was something that I really liked. One of the quests was hard to catch - yep, thats right, the Quest NPC was running around like crazy. He was faster than me and I had to wait sometime, till he comes to me...



Ofcourse you have to work hard in order to obtain better gear. The realm is offering alot custom content. Thats why you have to download their patches in order to experience the realm as you should. The amount of working content is huge. PvE Content like Zul'Aman is available and scaled for your current items and level. Ofcourse you will get better equipment by completing the quests that are inside, but thats not the only PvE content this realm provides...


You can also fight a World Boss, located in Onyxia's Lair. I was fighting it and it was really good scripted. It really fit his Dragon Form. Casting his fire spells around, killing everything on his way, pushing you around the zone, etc.


Thanks to the staff I Was able to go around some of the hardest Raids and see what it was like. I saw alot creatures and bosses, that required you to do certain actions in order to kill them, black holes that were teleporting you back just to slow you down, when you are expected to burst down the boss quickly and instant death if you fail at doing damage. These raids are designed for 25 players and it my opinion it will be fun to watch how 25 players are running around like crazy, because of the boss mechanics. Some raids had different stages and really interesting storylines. I have to point that out, because the amount of work that was putted in this project is alot and it really deserves some attention.


They are also working on Brawler's Guild feature, which according to the staff will be available soon.
I can't miss the solo dungeons. These Dungeons are full with mobs and decorated really good. Every single mob is casting different spells. They are not just normal creatues auto-attacking you. Bosses have different phases and spells and you have to find a way to defeat them.


These are just a few of the PvE Features that Wrath-WoW is offering. Lets head to the PvP aspects.
You can obtain items by doing PvP. There are a couple of useful features that you can use.
Normal Arenas, 1v1 Arenas, 3v3 Solo Queue, Upgraded Gurubashi Arena PvP and so on. I did some arenas and it seemed pretty balanced. Ofcourse I am absolutely terrible at PvP and couldn't do much, but I guest most of you are High-Warlords/Grand Marshals.
I had the chance of participating in 2v2 Event and it was really fun. I want to do that again. but 1v1 instead of 2v2.


You have to choose, wether you want to PvP or PvE. If you choose PvP, then you will be granted with different PvP Quests that require Rated Battlegrounds, Arenas or World PvP, ofcourse choosing PvE will grant you with quests, where you have to kill different bosses, clear dungeons, etc.


Ticket Created: 13:37
Ticket Answered: 13:56


Now, the only things that I saw in the Item Store are Mounts, Items for Transmogrification and Donor Tabard, Cloak and Bag.
I will leave you to decide if this is enough for the server to be "Pay to Win". Notice that you can't get the items with just Donating. You have to Vote for the server too, because the items cost Vote and Donate Coins.



Wrath-WoW really impressed me. The amount of working content is incredible. With so much features I think that this realm is alot more interesting, than the other FunRealm servers out there. Their custom lore is really interesting and the custom scripts are flawless. If you love these kind of servers, then I suggest you to try Wrath-WoW!
You will be impressed like me. Go on their website, make an account, login and play there. Come back here and tell us what happened.
The server is still new and they are going to release alot new features to the community, so go ahead and get yourself to the max level, so you can try them first.
I would recommend this server to everyone who loves 255 FunRealms.


Development - 5/5
Support Team - 4/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Overall - 5/5

This was my review for the World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Private Server - Wrath-WoW!
Hopefully you liked it and I got your attention!

Review Requested: beast007
Request Thread: Wrath-WoW Review Request
Review by Emd - Lordcraft.NET
