- 39
- 2015
- 0

They are using FusionCMS like most of the servers, which is not something bad, but it's overused.
However it's really user-friendly and nicely looking.
In their online shop you can find some nice mounts and Donation Tokens, which can be used in-game.
I've noticed that their staff is really active there and also on the forums, which is something that
I personally really like.
Server Type
SnowStorm is an instant 85 PvP Server, running on Patch 4.3.4
1v1 Arena
Arena Statistics
Legendary Transmogrification
Custom Dungeon
The population is really small. When I played on it there was just 1 player online.
Which is understandable, since the server is quite new.
Also you can see how many players are currently online directly from their website,
which is something really nice, if you are looking for a server with big population,
but you don't want to log-in and check.

You will find yourself in Neferset City, when you log-in for the first time.
I kinda like it, because it's unique and cool looking.
There is one thing that I really like in the mall.
They've made the vendors to look really blizzlike. It's not like the most servers where
every vendor looks exactly the same and sometimes this can be confusing.

You have this guy - Thrall, who will learn all of your spells with just one click and also will sell
you some nice glyphs.
Also you can enchant your gear with 1 click too, with their enchant vendor.
They have also "Tools" NPC, which can buff you, heal you and repair your items,
which again is something that I like.

While walking around the mall I saw that they have Legendary Transmogrification.
It's something that I've seen only on Monster-WoW and I was quite surprised.
However you don't need to have the legendary weapon in your bag. You can simply click on the NPC,
pick a weapon that you want to transmog and you are done.
It's kinda buggy, because I had to cast a spell in order to see the transmog.
Also the transmog disappears when you log-out.

The Transmogrification Mall is placed in Azshara.
In my opinion it' looks nice, because of the nice little objects that are spawned there.
You can get some really nice looking weapons for transmogrification for free.
However they have Season Gear which costs 700 Honor Each.
Thats something nice, because for example when you gear-up and you don't know on what
to spend your Honor Points, you can just go to the Transmog Mall and buy some nice looking armor for your character.
In my opinion they should place the Legendary Transmogrification here, instead in the main mall.
Custom Dungeon
I really wanted to try their custom dungeon, but sadly it was closed.
Ticket Support:
Ticket Created: 12:08
Ticket Answered: 12:15
I asked why is the custom dungeon closed and one of their staff members told me that
they found a couple of bugs in it and should be opened soon.
Pay to Win
They don't have items in their store that you can buy, however they have Donation Tokens, which can be used to get
Honor Points and Conquest Points in-game.
Also you can use them to change your name and race + some titles.
Everything you can expect from a PvP Server.
I don't like that you can buy Conquest Points and Honor Points with donation, but
I guess that this helps them keep the server up and running.
The Legendary Transmogrifier and 1v1 Arena's is a big plus.
Their support team is active in-game aswell on the forum.
However the population is important for a PvP Server. Hopefully they will manage to gain some players
soon, because there is nothing that you can do alone in-game.
I will give this server 3/5.
The server can be improved. They could add some quests that will give you some extra honor, since
you can't do Battlegrounds with this amount of players.
This was my review for the sever - SnowStorm-WoW
Review by Emd - Lordcraft.net