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Server Review: Mayhem-WoW


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Please take a moment to read this.
Alright, I know it's been awhile since my previous review, but I had some real-life things to do and had to kinda focus on it, instead of reviewing servers. Anyway now that I am back, I am ready to start reviewing again. My first server (after the break) happened to be Mayhem-WoW, which is an instant 85 Cataclysm Server, that's been around for quite a while. I want to take the chance to answer some of the emails that are asking me to review blizzlike servers too... I want to do that and I will someday maybe, probably...most likely I won't, but Hey! It's still an option.
Okay let's review the server!


I believe that Mayhem-WoW are using FusionCMS with really good looking theme. It's clean and it has everything you need. It's good that it has the "Online Players" Tab, so you can actually see what is the current online population of the server. It's not faking the numbers, don't worry. Checked it. It also has a Leader board, so if you are good enough, you can get yourself on it, pretty fast, since I don't see that much kills. I was kinda surprised when I saw that they are using phpbb3, considering the fact that they are using a really good theme for their website, which I believe is not free.
Click here to visit the website!



This is basic Instant 85 PvP Server and you can't expect much features:

Legendary Transmogrifications
1v1 Arena


Alright, so upon logging in you get all your class spells learned and 4 Bags (36slots)
Everything was looking great so far. Saw some players running around, which was good, but lets continue.


Something strange I noticed that the Mount Vendor was selling every Race Mount for the Alliance, but the Horde had only the Orc, Blood Elf and Goblin Mounts, available. The vendor was selling 60% speed mounts too, which again is something strange. It's not that big of a deal, but I think that it should be mentioned.
Another really strange and confusing thing was this:


There are actually two Enchanting NPC's in the main mall. The one is enchanting your gear with one click, the other one is selling them, but the enchanting is instant. You can enchant your belt with Nitro Boots but you can't use it, because you need to have Engineering Skill. The Ebonsteel Belt Buckle enchant that allows you to add extra gem slot to your belt is not working if you use the "One-Click" Enchanter, but it works perfectly fine if you buy it from the guy next to him.


You can either fight with PvE Items or you can go with the PvP, which is Ruthless, or maybe I am wrong? You see...when you start gearing there is a vendor that sells the Starting Gear (Ruthless) together with the Weapons, but after gearing my character, gemming and enchanting her, which took alot, I made the biggest facepalm in my life...There was another vendor sitting right there that was selling free Cataclysmic Gear, but without Weapons. I was wondering why would the staff members do that and I opened a ticket to ask them, but it didn't work and you will see why in a few seconds...


There is a Starting Quest for killing enemy faction players, which wasn't showing what will you actually get for doing that. It might be nothing, but I think you should be rewarded for killing that many players. There is also free Morphing NPC. It can morph you to any Race from both Alliance and Horde, as well as some Random Creatures.



Ticket Created: 20:00
Ticket Answered: Ticket Deleted

Okay, so this was the worst Customer Support I've ever seen in my entire life. When I opened the ticket I saw that the Owner was chatting in the Custom World Chat, but the tickets are staying unanswered. If the owner doesn't care about his players, what about the Game Masters? They are the same...The Trail-GM called "Ramen" spammed in the chat for some FFA Event, but my ticket got deleted. Tried to talk with him in the chat, but he continued to spam for that event.


There is Pay to Win on this server. A Preview Vendor for the items you can get by donating can be found in the Main Mall, as well on their "Preview Mall" made specially for Donation Items. The Strange thing is that the Item Store on their website is not working at all. There are alot of categories, like Cataclysmic Set (Even tho it can be bought for free in-game) Legendary Weapons,etc.


I am not going to recommend this server to anyone, because of the awful Customer Support I got from the Staff Team and the Owner himself + the confusing Mall Vendors, not working Enchants, and some non-sense things like Scrolls and Potions that can be bought with 100 Honor Points and we are talking for just 1 piece, not a stack.
I can't actually say something good about this server that can make me go back. I just hope that the owner will take this seriously and will make some changes to the server and hire a professional staff members that actually care about the players and are ready to help them.

Review made by Emd, from Lordcraft and PrivateWoW


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i lol'd

"I am not going to recommend this server to anyone, because of the awful Customer Support I got from the Staff Team and the Owner himself + the confusing Mall Vendors, not working Enchants, and some non-sense things like Scrolls and Potions that can be bought with 100 Honor Points and we are talking for just 1 piece, not a stack.
I can't actually say something good about this server that can make me go back. I just hope that the owner will take this seriously and will make some changes to the server and hire a professional staff members that actually care about the players and are ready to help them."