- 39
- 2015
- 0

My Review for Kamical - WoW

Kamical - WoW is using FusionCMS website.
The Registration was really simple and easy, also their Connection Guide is really detailed + they have a video showing you How to Connect. Because of this I want to say - Thank you Kamical for putting effort in helping your community, even with small things like these.
Their website has working Armory and Character Customization Feature.

The PvP Ladder Feature is also available

Kamical is Instant 80 PvP Server, running on patch 3.3.5 - Wrath of the Lich King (Custom Patch/Items Included)

1v1 Arenas
Custom Items
Cross - Faction Battlegrounds
Custom Gurubashi Arena Themes
Killstreak System
Arena Spectator
Custom Trinket Enchants
Arcane Reforger
(...wow, thats alot)

At the time I was online I saw only 2 players online and one of them was me. Now I am not exactly sure if it's like that always, because I don't know where their playerbase is located. Anyway you can check how many players are currently online by clickin on their "Online Players" Link, which can be found on the website.

When you login for the first time you will find yourself in... I have no idea actually. This is a place that I've never seen before, but thats not the strange part...the strange thing is the place I was spawned in...

Main Mall

You can find absolutely anything in the main mall - Starting Gear, Enchants, Gems, Mounts, etc, but you can't find the End - Game Gear Vendor, which is kinda strange. When I started gearing my Rogue I saw these NPC's that are selling starting Gear. Bought my Weapons and then I was surprised to see a Starting Gear Vendor, because you have them equiped the moment you create your character.
Starting Weapons and Main-Set are custom items, however the off-set items are normal.

Another feature that can be found in the mall is - Free Character Customization, but in the website it says that these features cost Donation Points. It's strange and bad, because someone might get confused and buy it from the website.

You can find this Panda in the mall, which has some really nice features, like One-Click Spell Training, Glyphs and Changing your Racial ability. Thats right, you can actually change your (for ex: Every Man for Himself with Gift of Naaru)

One - Click Profession Training and Title Vendors. I really like the title vendor, because it actually shows how much Kills you need in order to obtain certain title. In most of the servers it just shows the Title name and thats it.

One- Click Enchants and...(this one blew my mind) Reforger in 3.3.5. Thats right, they have working Arcane Reforger on Patch - 3.3.5

Transmogrification Mall

You can find all kind of Transmogrification Gear here (Roleplaying, Season Gear, Weapons, etc.)
Most of the Gear is free, some of it requires some PvP

You can also find some strange things like Mount Vendor and ofcourse... Grobbulus, because..why not?..It won't be fun if we don't have Grobulus on the party. ;D

World Boss, which can be found in Onyxia's Lair and has about 7.9K HP. And probably can be killed with 5-players group.

Ticket Opened: 18:30
Ticket Answered: No Answer

Pay to Win is available on Kamical.

Kamical can be improved. I believe that they are still in Alpha, so I am sure that they will add alot more nice features to it.
Did you have fun while playing? - Yes
Is it worth spending time on? - Definitely. The amount of features is incredible for a server that is still in Alpha stage. I am impressed.
What was your experience? - I had alot of fun, exploring the server. They have some custom loging screens, also I saw The Emerald Dream + Grobbulus.

Development - 5/5
Support Team - 1/5
Gameplay - 4/5
Overall - 4/5
Thank you guys so much for reading my review. Hopefully you liked it. I appreciate all feedback, so please tell me what can be improved.