- 39
- 2015
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Please take a moment to read this.
My second review for Level 255 FunRealm. So far these types of realms are the hardest for me, because I have to cover alot information, but sadly I just can't do that. Anyway thanks to the great and friendly staff members and community of these servers I am actually able to make a decent review.
Eternal-WoW's realm called Remorse has alot features and in this review I will try to cover most of them. It won't be easy, but hopefully I will do something. Now, Eternal has many realms, but I choosed to review Remorse first, since I believe it will be really hard and I want to finish the hard ones first. Lets go!

Eternal-WoW's site is really user-friendly and clean. It looks way different then the last time I checked it, which was probably 2 years ago. The registration is simple and easy and you don't have to use realm email address, since it won't send you activation code ot something, however it will send "Welcome email" + if you ever lost your password you will need to provide your email address, so I suggest you to use a real one. The Forum is clean also, everything is nicely organized, noticed that they are announcing different events on the website. It looks like some sort of shoutout, which is great. It's one more way of letting the players know whats happening in-game. I don't really like the pop-up that asks you to vote, because even if I am not logged in this pop-up will be shown.
Click here to visit the website!

Remorse is highly customized realm.
Max Level 255
Custom Currency
Customized Raids and Dungeons
Leveling Roads
Custom Quest Chains
Item Upgrades
All Race+Class Combinations
Server Transfers
and much more. I suggest you to give it a try and experience the content yourself.

You are starting in Ragefire Chasm, which is the place where you will begin your long leveling process. The first quest is given to you by Lord Marrowgar and it's a simple quest that requires you to kill a couple of mobs and it will reward you with mount and food.

Now...the leveling on Remorse is pretty interesting. I created a druid and started leveling (Balance Spec). I was hitting the mobs with Moonfire for 50 000 damage. Their hp was probably 10K or so. But this was on the 1-100 Level Road. After that the things started to get harder. I started dying and the leveling proccess was harder than expected.

I had hard time leveling and I decided to use their Character Transfer feature to transfer my character from another server. Everything went nice. I posed the request on the forum and it was accepted in just 4-5 minutes. After that I had to open ticket in-game and a GM summoned me to complete the transfer. I noticed something strange. According to the GM that transfered my character - they couldn't give me Neck, Back, 1 Trinket, 1 Finger and Thrown, because they are not allowed to. I think thats pretty strange. Also the GM said that there is no dagger from Nexus (Their Gearing Instance), so he gave me two swords instead, but after completing my transfer I saw that the Nexus Quest actually had the dagger available. I think that was mistake that he made, but I don't blame him, because at the end of the day we are all human beings...

Remorse also has a Transmogrification Mall. I am mentioning it, because it's Wrath of the Lich King realm and I think its worth mentioning it. Anyway the items for transmogrification are not free. It requires custom game currency that can be obtained with honor. The currency itself can be purchased in the main mall and costs Honor Points, which is located in The Hinterlands. Really neat place for mall.

The mall itself looks cool. You can customize your character with "Remorse Gold" which is also game currency that can be aquired. However I found some things in the mall that I think should be removed. This is just my opinion, maby the other players find it useful, but I want to point that out. First is the Transmogrification Items and the Transmogrifier itself. I think these two NPC's should be spawned in the Transmogrification Mall instead here in the main mall. Also the enchancement NPC that sells all kind of different Temporary, Permanent, Armor Enchants and Weapon Enchants. It looks too much right. I started searching for the correct enchants, which was hard, because they were alot. When I was done I noticed that next to me was sitting other One-Click enchanting NPC that was selling way better enchants and it was faster. I think that NPC with the permanent and temporary enchants should be removed, because it's useless in my opinion. Also most of the potions that Reagents NPC is selling should be removed.

Gearing on Remorse is kinda different. You should complete a long quest chain, untill you have the end-game gear (not exactly end-game, because you can get better one with Arena Points). These quests tkae place in Black Temple. You should kill different bosses and loot different loot in order to complete the quests. After each completed quests you will get 1 piece of gear, meaning that you will have to work hard if you want to get better gear. Quests are not the only way that you can use to gear-up. There are also Events that are rewarding you with items and Event Tokens, which can be used to buy different game items, but they are not as good as the Questing ones, also the Events are really hard. Atleast for me, because I am absolutely terrible at this and I don't want to try it ever again...

The Black Temple, which is one of the main raids is heavy customized. Illidan has different scripts, but its not too hard to kill. I've managed to get in a group of 6 people that were low geared and we took him down in 10-15 minutes. Illidan is summining some kind of demons every X seconds that are casting spells and you should kill them if you want to survive, because if you don't he will just summon more and more, untill you eventually can't hold the damage they do + Illidan is hitting pretty hard too. The items that he drops are good. I managed to get myself a dagger, but the raid leader told me that Warlgaives can also be dropped, but have low chance.

Sadly most of the players were already geared and couldn't really progress through the Quest Chain to get myself better gear. Anyway taking down Illidan was enough for me.

Ticket Created: 14:17
Ticket Answered: 14:23

Pay to Win is available on Remorse. Players can actually get some really powerful items like Shadowmourne and the Donor Itemset. I am not supporting pay to win servers, but yet again its needed to keep the server alive. Thanks to that we have Private Servers to play the game for free right?

I know that Eternal's staff is working hard on this server. I chatted with them and I can confirm that. The server is improving fast, but it still needs alot of work. I can see that they are doing whatever they can, noticed that they are listening to their players and hopefully at the end Remorse will become one great place for the players and eventually get more. While I was playing I saw really nice people. Most of the players are ready to help you, but ofcourse there are some that are too selfish. Sadly most of the battlegrounds are full with donators, which is not too bad. In my opinion Donors are the people that keep the server running and shouldn't talk thrash about them, anyway I think that the Donation Awards should be nerfed. Leaving this aside...Remorse has potential, it just needs more time. I will be sure to check it out again and eventually update this review.

Development - 4/5
Support Team - 5/5
Gameplay - 3/5
Overall - 3.8/5
This was my review for the World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Private Server - Eternal-WoW (Realm Remorse)!
Hopefully you liked it and I got your attention!
Review by Emd - Lordcraft.NET