- 39
- 2015
- 0

My Review for Elune-Gaming

The website is really unique.
I've never seen this design, before which really suprised me. (I've seen alot server using the same boring website design)
The registration is easy and fast. No email verification is required yet. I don't know if they are going to enable it anytime soon.
The online players bar is available, so you can see how much players are online. According to the staff members, Elune-Gaming peaked 30+ online. Thats kinda impressive, because the server is new. It was released on 19th of June 2015.

Elune-Gaming is an instant 85 4.3.4 Cataclysm Private Server. PvP and PvE content, with some nice custom features.

1v1 Arenas
Progressional Shen'dralar reputation content
Fossil Research, becoming a Professor
Heroic 5 man Dungeons
World Boss
Arena Spectator
Class shirts
Avid quest lines
Instant Spells, Professions, Enchants
Guild Leveling, and Guild rewards
Custom transmogrifications

The server was released on 19th of June 2015 and peaked 30 players online. Who knows what will happen? Maby they will expand in something more. At this moment the most populated instant 85 Cataclysm server is WoWMortal, but I am sure that Elune-Gaming is going to beat them soon with their quality realm.

The main mall is located in Onslaught Harbor. Really unique and interesting location.

You will be granted with a buff, that increases your movement speed by 75%, while in the mall. It's the same like Death-Knight's Starting Zone.

Gearing your character is easy and fast. You will be starting withh Season 10 Ruthless gear. Doing Arenas and Battlegrounds will earn you better gear.

Another nice feature is the Instant Gear Enchanting and the instant profession training. Sometimes the Enchant Vendor should be re-opened in order to be able to enchant your items.

These NPCs are located in the main mall. You can see the best 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 Arena Team. You can also watch current Arena Fights. Sadly no arena games were played while making this reviewe, so I can't tell if this feature is working properly.

The PvE here is taken to another level. You can either que for Dungeons that are fully scripted or challenge their World Boss, or fight in Elune's Scenario Modes. Sadly I could not show you some images, because I couldn't find party for this interesting features. I went to one of the Scenario Zones and obviously got killed. I noticed something strange. If you die there you won't be able to revive, without GM's help. I opened a ticket and got revived almost instantly. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

The Duel Zone is located in Icecrown Citadel. You can see that it looks nice, but I think ranged classes are going to have fun here, with getting out of sight using this objets. A chest is being spawned in Gurubashi Arena. I had the luck to loot it and got Honor Points and NPC, which I can summon and fight in the Arena.

This is something interesting: The 1v1 Arena NPC won't let you queue if you still have talent points for spending. This will be useful, if someone forgets to choose a spec.

The Transmogrification Mall is located in the Main Mall. Some items cost game currency. Some can be obtained by Voting and I gotta say that they look bad-ass.

Ticket Opened: 7:52
Ticket Answered: 7:53
Extremely Active Support Team

As you can see, you can't buy items with Donation Points, however you can get Honor Points, but with Vote Points.

Elune-Gaming is a server with great community support and features. The fact that they got over 30 players on the first day proves that the server has potential. The amount of time they are putting into this server is alot and you can see the results. PvE content is working flawlessly, aswell as the PvP aspects of the game. I would recomment this server to all my friends, since this is the only instant 85 server (reviewed by me) that support both PvP and PvE.

Development - 4/5
Support Team - 5/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Overall - 5/5
Review by Emd - Lordcraft.NET
Thank you guys so much for reading my review. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it. I appreciate all feedback, so please tell me what can be improved.