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[Serenity-WoW] Recruiting Web-Developer(s) (With Pay)


Gold Supporter
Greetings, everyone!
I'm the owner of a Mists of Pandaria, i90 PvP server (Serenity-WoW).
Since December of 2017, we've been working on this project in order to bring MoP PvP to the English player-base.

Currently, we have two very dedicated core developers, Quadral and Artamedes.
They've been working extremely hard on this core for quite a while now, and we're nearing release.

As of now, we're nearing up on 1000 registered accounts, with a small active community during our open-beta.

However, although the core is almost deemed 'release-worthy' there's a good amount of work needing to be done on the website.
We're running a modified version of FCMS, which right now, at it's core, is functioning perfectly.
What we require now is to get some modules updated.​

What We're Looking For:
We're looking for a dedicated web-developer to assist us in the final steps before launch.

The requirements include;
  • Familiarity with FCMS
  • Fluency in PHP, CSS, HTML, JS, and SQL development
  • Willing-ness to work alongside others
  • Overall confidence in your abilities
As most of you are probably aware who are reading this, FCMS never got the chance to support MoP before the end of its commercial life.
There are a variety of already existing resources out there, with a majority of them being 3.3.5a native - extending up to 4.3.4.

As mentioned, you will be paid directly for your work.
This can be discussed with me if interested.

Currently Planned:
At the moment, our list of features we'd like to have completed on the web-side of things prior to launch include:
  • Conversion of the Extended Armory 2.0 to support MoP (Talents, Ratings, Glyphs, General Information, Etc) - Currently in-progress
  • Functioning Arena Ladder
  • General re-work of existing modules

Why Work For Us?:
Serenity-WoW isn't one of those projects you see pop up on some forums, and then disappear after a week.
We've been in-progress for ~7 months now, with a large amount of both work and money invested.

Unlike a variety of projects as well, this wasn't created to with the sole intention of being a source of income.
This was started as a place for those who miss MoP PvP to go, without having to join either bugged servers or insert themselves into a foreign community.

Although just being in open-beta, we're constantly growing.
As mentioned, we're nearing up on 1000 registered accounts with new players coming every day.

Just last week, myself, and one of our developers finished our migration to a new, dedicated, machine.

Our website, http://Serenity-WoW.com/ was designed by Zafire and coded by Darksider, specifically for us.
We aren't using one of those public templates that wow-serverxxxx is using.

Developers aren't being given 5% of donations, I solely fund the server - which includes directly paying developers.​

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/RezjQfd
My Discord-tag: Myrodistus#6726

If you'd like to contact me here as well, feel free to send a PM.
Although I can almost always reply to messages on Discord, there are times at work where I'm unable to for a short-while.
If I don't get back to you within the hour, feel free to message any one of the Developers or our Head-Gamemaster on Discord.
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