- 163
- 2015
- 33
This is a list of some free SEO tools and programs that might come handy. Let me know if I'm missing something.
All in One SEO Pack https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/
An alternative to the Yoast SEO plugin. The All In One SEO Pack has a few unique features that make it different than yoast, like auto-generated description tags, canonical tag support and a “bad bot” blocker.
Wordstream http://www.wordstream.com/free-keyword-tools
The Wordstream Free Keyword Tool offers thousands of keyword ideas from a huge database of more than a trillion unique searches. This tool outperforms some of the paid alternatives in the market.
Keyword Eye Basic http://www.keywordeye.com/
Keyword Eye Basic is a visual keyword suggestion tool, that works particularly well for brainstorming sessions.
Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool http://www.removeem.com/ratios.php
The Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool outputs anchor text diversity. Words or phrases that are potentially over-optimized are highlighted for manual review.
Robots.txt Generator http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/robots.txt/
Robots.txt Generator is a freeware utility that makes the creation of robots.txt files a breeze.
URI Valet http://urivalet.com/
Use the URI Valet Header Checker to view total number of objects (http requests), time to download, object details, document internal links, and external links along with verifying server headers for each.
Quick URL Opener http://quickurlopener.com/
If you do a lot of link building you’ll NEED to use a tool that opens a big ol’ list of URLs at once. And the Quick URL Opener is one of the best (if not THE best) out there.
HARO (Help a Reporter Out) http://www.helpareporter.com/
Want to get backlinks from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal? You can hire a pricey PR firm…or you can use HARO. HARO is a “dating service” that connects journaists with sources. If you hook a journaist up with a nice quote or stat, they’ll reward you up with a mention or link. Takes a bit of grinding to get a single mention, but the links you get can be solid gold.
Free Broken Link Checker http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/
This tool checks a website for broken links. Helpful for broken link building.
Title and Description Optimization Tool http://seobin.org/
This title and description optimization tool gives insight as to what the top ranking competitors are using for titles and descriptions. The best competitor intelligence tool of its type.
Ontolo http://ontolo.com/
If you eat, sleep and breathe link building, then Ontolo is a tool I recommend checking out. It’s designed to do one thing: show you lots of link opportunities. Just enter a few keywords, tell Ontolo what types of links you want to get (for example:”links from blogs”), and Ontolo will hand you a list of results as an Excel spreadsheet.
Inky Bee http://www.inkybee.com/
A decent blogger outreach tool. Just enter a keyword and Inky Bee shows you bloggers in that industry. Inky Bee allows you to sort by Domain Authority/Page Authority. That way you focus on the big shots in your industry.
Link Prospecting Query Builder http://www.targetlocal.co.uk/tools/link-prospecting-query-builder/
Here’s how this tool works. First, enter a keyword. Then, choose a type of link you want (for example, guest posts). Finally, hit “submit”. The Link Prospecting Query Builder will spit out search strings you can use to find link opportunities.
Schema Creator http://schema-creator.org/
The Schema Creator tool is the easiest way to get started creating HTML with schema.org microdata.
Google Snippet Preview http://www.snippetoptimizer.net/
The snippet that appears in Google Search is usually taken from these meta tags. The Google Snippet Preview tool helps visualize and optimize what is displayed to searchers.
Structured Data Testing Tool http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets
The Structured Data Testing Tool verifies Schema.org or any other structured data type markup.
Pingdom Website Speed Tool http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/
Pingdom’s Website Speed Tool tests the load time of a page, analyzes it, and finds bottlenecks.
Fiddler http://fiddler2.com/
Fiddler is a web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.
GTmetrix http://gtmetrix.com/
Having a tool to examine page speed and diagnose opportunities for improvement is now an essential part of the SEO toolkit. Anything that impacts user-experience impacts SEO, and site speed is a big deal for UX, especially for mobile.
Web Developer Toolbar https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/
The Web Developer Toolbar has become much relied-upon during the technical phase of our SEO audits.
SEO Quake Toolbar http://www.seoquake.com/
SEO Quake shows data on traffic, links, social shares, on-page keyword optimization and more. The SEO Quake website has lots of helpful tips on what to do with all this data.
LinkMiner http://pointblankseo.com/linkminer
Like many tools, LinkMiner check for broken links on a page. But this free Chrome extension also shows you how many links the broken link has pointing to it. Uber helpful for broken link building.
Domain Hunter Plus http://netvantagemarketing.com/about/domain-hunter-plus
Domain Hunter Plus is similar to Check My Links. But this tool also checks to see if the broken link’s domain is available for registration. Cool feature in theory…but I rarely find any free domain names with this tool. That’s because authoritative domains tend to get scooped up pretty quickly. Still a helpful tool for broken link building or The Moving Man Method though.
Hootsuite https://hootsuite.com/
In 2015, social media is typically vital to SEO success. Hootsuite is one of many platforms for managing social media. I’m not saying Hootsuite is the best social platform, but it is what I’m most familiar with and is plenty helpful for promoting new content and staying on top of opportunities to engage with key influencers.
Wayback Machine http://archive.org/web/
The Wayback Machine is the Internet’s most complete historical archive and lets you see what a website used to look like back in the day. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this free tool for detective work to crack client cases of missing traffic.
Chrome Developer Tools https://developer.chrome.com/devtools
“F12” is now the SEO button, because it is the shortcut to major awesomeness built right into Chrome. Some SEO tasks you can do with Chrome DevTools include: examining mobile UX and SEO with the amazing mobile emulator, diagnosing page speed, picking apart source code, examining HTTP status codes, and mocking-up live edits to a webpage (including the title tags and Meta descriptions in the SERPs).
Google Trends http://www.google.com/trends/
Marketers who know where the puck is heading tend to win more. Google Trends shows changes in search query volume for specific queries (and topics and entities).
Keywordtool.io http://keywordtool.io/
Enter a query in this free tool and it will quickly spit out a ton of great keywords based on the autocomplete feature of Google, Bing, YouTube, or App Store Search.
Bing Webmaster Tools http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
Bing Webmaster Tools (aka BWT) remains extremely overlooked. It’s great for keeping an eye on how Bing (which powers Yahoo) is treating your site and also enables you to have some control in the matter. It also shows you clicks to your site from Bing by search query, and it has a feature for looking up Bing search query volume. It also offers benefits beyond Bing by providing insights into crawling, indexation, on-page keyword optimization, and other elements that can impact your performance in Google.
Screaming Frog http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/
Screaming Frog is a website crawler designed specifically for SEO. Within mere minutes, you’ll get critical data on every URL. Best to just download it and take it for a spin.
Google Keyword Planner http://adwords.google.com/keywordplanner
Google’s Keyword Planner, the tool formerly known as Adwords Keyword Tool, lets you pull monthly Google search query volume estimates for dozens of keywords in seconds. I can never understate the importance of knowing what people search for.
Moz http://moz.com/tools
Moz is a suite of user-friendly inbound marketing tools. Below are my favorite free Moz tools:
- Open Site Explorer is a backlink analysis tool with helpful metrics approximating link equity.
- Followerwonk shows data on Twitter.
- Moz Local (formerly Get Listed) lets you see the state of a company’s local citations and is the first place you should go when you first start local SEO on a site.
- Mozbar is a browser toolbar that lets you quickly get at Moz’s key features for the page you’re on.
Google Search Console http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
Analogous to BWT (yet much richer), Google Search Console – formerly “Google Webmaster Tools” – provides data and configuration control for your site in Google. That’s a pretty big deal.
Google Analytics http://www.google.com/analytics/
The most valuable SEO data is that which helps you understand your visitors and how they interact with your site. No tool I’ve used delivers that data like Google Analytics, and none of the tools I mentioned does a better job providing data that helps you understand the number that matters most – the bottom line.
Looks like I can’t count; here are a few more free tools I love using for SEO:
BuiltWith (http://builtwith.com/toolbar) is a lightweight, user-friendly Chrome plugin that will tell what technology a site uses (like cms, server, hosting, analytics, and more).
CopyScape (http://www.copyscape.com/) let’s you enter a URL and learn if there is duplicate content elsewhere on the web.
Feedthebot (https://www.feedthebot.com/tools/) has some tools worth checking out.
Firebug (http://getfirebug.com/) is a Firefox extension for web dev and technical SEO to help you inspect elements of code, code mockups live into the browser, and more.
Google Alerts (https://www.google.com/alerts) and Talkwalker (http://www.talkwalker.com/en/free-social-media-monitoring-analytics-tools/) help you monitor the web for new mentions of your brand or highly desired keywords.
SEMrush (http://www.semrush.com/) shows data on paid and organic traffic and keywords. It is accessible through the SEObook and SEOQuake Toolbars.
sg.SerpStat.com (http://sg.serpstat.com/) is a keyword generator similar to Uber Suggest and keywordtool.io. It is not as thorough as those but is wicked fast and does a nifty job segmenting keywords into groups.
SpyFu (http://www.spyfu.com/), like SEMrush, shows some data on paid and organic keywords and traffic.
Paid Ones:
AuthoritySpy http://authorityspy.com/
AuthoritySpy is designed to help you find the top influencers in your space. It discovers these movers and shakers by searching in places like AllTop, Twitter and Followerwonk.
Buzzstream http://buzzstream.com/
If you do outreach at scale or with a team, you NEED a tool like Buzzstream. Why? Buzzstream makes the messy job of email outreach and link building streamlined and organized. Make sure to check out their new prospecting and email-finding features.
Citation Labs' Broken Link Finder http://www.brokenlinkbuilding.com/
Instead of hunting for broken links page-by-page, The Broken Link Finder proactively searches the web for them. Just search for a keyword and the tool will scour the internet for broken links…and hand them to you on a silver platter.
Citation Labs' Link Prospector http://linkprospector.citationlabs.com/
A industrial-level link opportunity finder. Link Prospector scans the web for link building opportunities like resource pages, guest posts, blogs, news sites and more.
Content Marketer https://contentmarketer.io/
An excellent tool that finds contact information (ie. emails) and helps you reach out to those people. I’ve found that the contact info it spits out is pretty darn accurate.
GroupHigh http://www.grouphigh.com/
GroupHigh is advanced blogger outreach software. Despite the laundry list of features, it’s pretty darn easy to use. Just enter a few keywords to find blogs in your industry. Then filter by Domain Authority and last post date to whittle down the list to bloggers that are worth reaching out to. You can also reach out to them (and track your results) within the platform.
Linkbird https://www.linkbird.com/en/
LinkBird is a keyword research/rank tracking/backlink analysis/link building hybrid tool. Fires off email alerts when it finds a new backlink pointing to your site.
Linkstant http://www.linkstant.com/
Linkstant you an email alert every time you get a new link. Why is this helpful? Well you can turn that one link into multiple links (and a relationship) with a quick “hey, thanks for linking to me” email. It also helps you identify reputation management issues quickly so you can nip them in the bud before they blow up.
Muck Rack http://muckrack.com/
If you want to get mentions (and backlinks) from sites like The New York Times and Forbes, you need to start rubbing elbows with journalists. And Muck Rack is an impressive PR tool that helps you quickly find journalists that cover your site’s industry.
Ninja Outreach http://ninjaoutreach.com/
Ninja Outreach is an impressive new blogger outreach tool. Search for influential peeps and reach out to them…all from within the tool. Includes outreach templates.
Outreachr http://www.outreachr.com/
A pretty nifty content promotion tool. Enter a few keywords and Outreachr will scour the web for websites that cover those topics. Comes packed with tons of sorting features (like Domain Authority and Citation Flow) so that you can focus on reaching out to ballers.
Remove'em https://www.removeem.com/
Remove’em is a pro-level link removal tool. This comes in hand if you got hit by Google Penguin or a Manual “Unnatural Links” penalty.
Rank Ranger https://www.rankranger.com/
Rank Ranger is a reliable rank tracker that comes bundles with a handful of extra features like on-page audits, keyword research, and competitor analysis. Nice tool.
Rival IQ https://www.rivaliq.com/
Rival IQ pits your social media and SEO presence against your competitors. It your chief competitor getting more Twitter mentions than you? Are they ranking for a new keyword? This excellent tool will let you know. Had a lot of fun playing around with this one.
SEO Rank Monitor http://www.seorankmonitor.com/
SEO Rank Monitor tracks your keywords against your competitors. Also does YouTube Rank checking.
Serpfox http://serpfox.com/
SERPFox is a no-fuss rank tracking tool that just works. A great value.
SERPs.com https://serps.com/tools/keywords
SERPS.com is an enterprise-level rank tracking product with a built-in keyword research tool.
WebCEO http://www.webceo.com/
WebCEO is a world-class SEO platform that gives you access to a bunch of quality tools to boost your SEO, from keyword research to technical SEO to rank tracking and even mobile optimization.
WordTail http://wordtail.com/
Wordtail is a nice rank tracking tool that has the features you’d expect from dedicated rank tracking software (like grouping keywords, in-depth reports and competitor tracking).
MarketMuse https://www.marketmuse.com/products
MarketMuse is advanced content analysis tool (similar to Scribe by Copyblogger). Market Muse scans your content and compares it to similar content on the web. If it finds that other people mention a keyword that you don’t, it tells you about this “content gap”.
Thanks to Alerion
All in One SEO Pack https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/
An alternative to the Yoast SEO plugin. The All In One SEO Pack has a few unique features that make it different than yoast, like auto-generated description tags, canonical tag support and a “bad bot” blocker.
Wordstream http://www.wordstream.com/free-keyword-tools
The Wordstream Free Keyword Tool offers thousands of keyword ideas from a huge database of more than a trillion unique searches. This tool outperforms some of the paid alternatives in the market.
Keyword Eye Basic http://www.keywordeye.com/
Keyword Eye Basic is a visual keyword suggestion tool, that works particularly well for brainstorming sessions.
Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool http://www.removeem.com/ratios.php
The Anchor Text Over Optimization Tool outputs anchor text diversity. Words or phrases that are potentially over-optimized are highlighted for manual review.
Robots.txt Generator http://www.yellowpipe.com/yis/tools/robots.txt/
Robots.txt Generator is a freeware utility that makes the creation of robots.txt files a breeze.
URI Valet http://urivalet.com/
Use the URI Valet Header Checker to view total number of objects (http requests), time to download, object details, document internal links, and external links along with verifying server headers for each.
Quick URL Opener http://quickurlopener.com/
If you do a lot of link building you’ll NEED to use a tool that opens a big ol’ list of URLs at once. And the Quick URL Opener is one of the best (if not THE best) out there.
HARO (Help a Reporter Out) http://www.helpareporter.com/
Want to get backlinks from The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal? You can hire a pricey PR firm…or you can use HARO. HARO is a “dating service” that connects journaists with sources. If you hook a journaist up with a nice quote or stat, they’ll reward you up with a mention or link. Takes a bit of grinding to get a single mention, but the links you get can be solid gold.
Free Broken Link Checker http://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/
This tool checks a website for broken links. Helpful for broken link building.
Title and Description Optimization Tool http://seobin.org/
This title and description optimization tool gives insight as to what the top ranking competitors are using for titles and descriptions. The best competitor intelligence tool of its type.
Ontolo http://ontolo.com/
If you eat, sleep and breathe link building, then Ontolo is a tool I recommend checking out. It’s designed to do one thing: show you lots of link opportunities. Just enter a few keywords, tell Ontolo what types of links you want to get (for example:”links from blogs”), and Ontolo will hand you a list of results as an Excel spreadsheet.
Inky Bee http://www.inkybee.com/
A decent blogger outreach tool. Just enter a keyword and Inky Bee shows you bloggers in that industry. Inky Bee allows you to sort by Domain Authority/Page Authority. That way you focus on the big shots in your industry.
Link Prospecting Query Builder http://www.targetlocal.co.uk/tools/link-prospecting-query-builder/
Here’s how this tool works. First, enter a keyword. Then, choose a type of link you want (for example, guest posts). Finally, hit “submit”. The Link Prospecting Query Builder will spit out search strings you can use to find link opportunities.
Schema Creator http://schema-creator.org/
The Schema Creator tool is the easiest way to get started creating HTML with schema.org microdata.
Google Snippet Preview http://www.snippetoptimizer.net/
The snippet that appears in Google Search is usually taken from these meta tags. The Google Snippet Preview tool helps visualize and optimize what is displayed to searchers.
Structured Data Testing Tool http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets
The Structured Data Testing Tool verifies Schema.org or any other structured data type markup.
Pingdom Website Speed Tool http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/
Pingdom’s Website Speed Tool tests the load time of a page, analyzes it, and finds bottlenecks.
Fiddler http://fiddler2.com/
Fiddler is a web debugging tool which logs all HTTP(S) traffic between your computer and the Internet.
GTmetrix http://gtmetrix.com/
Having a tool to examine page speed and diagnose opportunities for improvement is now an essential part of the SEO toolkit. Anything that impacts user-experience impacts SEO, and site speed is a big deal for UX, especially for mobile.
Web Developer Toolbar https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/web-developer/
The Web Developer Toolbar has become much relied-upon during the technical phase of our SEO audits.
SEO Quake Toolbar http://www.seoquake.com/
SEO Quake shows data on traffic, links, social shares, on-page keyword optimization and more. The SEO Quake website has lots of helpful tips on what to do with all this data.
LinkMiner http://pointblankseo.com/linkminer
Like many tools, LinkMiner check for broken links on a page. But this free Chrome extension also shows you how many links the broken link has pointing to it. Uber helpful for broken link building.
Domain Hunter Plus http://netvantagemarketing.com/about/domain-hunter-plus
Domain Hunter Plus is similar to Check My Links. But this tool also checks to see if the broken link’s domain is available for registration. Cool feature in theory…but I rarely find any free domain names with this tool. That’s because authoritative domains tend to get scooped up pretty quickly. Still a helpful tool for broken link building or The Moving Man Method though.
Hootsuite https://hootsuite.com/
In 2015, social media is typically vital to SEO success. Hootsuite is one of many platforms for managing social media. I’m not saying Hootsuite is the best social platform, but it is what I’m most familiar with and is plenty helpful for promoting new content and staying on top of opportunities to engage with key influencers.
Wayback Machine http://archive.org/web/
The Wayback Machine is the Internet’s most complete historical archive and lets you see what a website used to look like back in the day. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this free tool for detective work to crack client cases of missing traffic.
Chrome Developer Tools https://developer.chrome.com/devtools
“F12” is now the SEO button, because it is the shortcut to major awesomeness built right into Chrome. Some SEO tasks you can do with Chrome DevTools include: examining mobile UX and SEO with the amazing mobile emulator, diagnosing page speed, picking apart source code, examining HTTP status codes, and mocking-up live edits to a webpage (including the title tags and Meta descriptions in the SERPs).
Google Trends http://www.google.com/trends/
Marketers who know where the puck is heading tend to win more. Google Trends shows changes in search query volume for specific queries (and topics and entities).
Keywordtool.io http://keywordtool.io/
Enter a query in this free tool and it will quickly spit out a ton of great keywords based on the autocomplete feature of Google, Bing, YouTube, or App Store Search.
Bing Webmaster Tools http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
Bing Webmaster Tools (aka BWT) remains extremely overlooked. It’s great for keeping an eye on how Bing (which powers Yahoo) is treating your site and also enables you to have some control in the matter. It also shows you clicks to your site from Bing by search query, and it has a feature for looking up Bing search query volume. It also offers benefits beyond Bing by providing insights into crawling, indexation, on-page keyword optimization, and other elements that can impact your performance in Google.
Screaming Frog http://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/
Screaming Frog is a website crawler designed specifically for SEO. Within mere minutes, you’ll get critical data on every URL. Best to just download it and take it for a spin.
Google Keyword Planner http://adwords.google.com/keywordplanner
Google’s Keyword Planner, the tool formerly known as Adwords Keyword Tool, lets you pull monthly Google search query volume estimates for dozens of keywords in seconds. I can never understate the importance of knowing what people search for.
Moz http://moz.com/tools
Moz is a suite of user-friendly inbound marketing tools. Below are my favorite free Moz tools:
- Open Site Explorer is a backlink analysis tool with helpful metrics approximating link equity.
- Followerwonk shows data on Twitter.
- Moz Local (formerly Get Listed) lets you see the state of a company’s local citations and is the first place you should go when you first start local SEO on a site.
- Mozbar is a browser toolbar that lets you quickly get at Moz’s key features for the page you’re on.
Google Search Console http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/
Analogous to BWT (yet much richer), Google Search Console – formerly “Google Webmaster Tools” – provides data and configuration control for your site in Google. That’s a pretty big deal.
Google Analytics http://www.google.com/analytics/
The most valuable SEO data is that which helps you understand your visitors and how they interact with your site. No tool I’ve used delivers that data like Google Analytics, and none of the tools I mentioned does a better job providing data that helps you understand the number that matters most – the bottom line.
Looks like I can’t count; here are a few more free tools I love using for SEO:
BuiltWith (http://builtwith.com/toolbar) is a lightweight, user-friendly Chrome plugin that will tell what technology a site uses (like cms, server, hosting, analytics, and more).
CopyScape (http://www.copyscape.com/) let’s you enter a URL and learn if there is duplicate content elsewhere on the web.
Feedthebot (https://www.feedthebot.com/tools/) has some tools worth checking out.
Firebug (http://getfirebug.com/) is a Firefox extension for web dev and technical SEO to help you inspect elements of code, code mockups live into the browser, and more.
Google Alerts (https://www.google.com/alerts) and Talkwalker (http://www.talkwalker.com/en/free-social-media-monitoring-analytics-tools/) help you monitor the web for new mentions of your brand or highly desired keywords.
SEMrush (http://www.semrush.com/) shows data on paid and organic traffic and keywords. It is accessible through the SEObook and SEOQuake Toolbars.
sg.SerpStat.com (http://sg.serpstat.com/) is a keyword generator similar to Uber Suggest and keywordtool.io. It is not as thorough as those but is wicked fast and does a nifty job segmenting keywords into groups.
SpyFu (http://www.spyfu.com/), like SEMrush, shows some data on paid and organic keywords and traffic.
Paid Ones:
AuthoritySpy http://authorityspy.com/
AuthoritySpy is designed to help you find the top influencers in your space. It discovers these movers and shakers by searching in places like AllTop, Twitter and Followerwonk.
Buzzstream http://buzzstream.com/
If you do outreach at scale or with a team, you NEED a tool like Buzzstream. Why? Buzzstream makes the messy job of email outreach and link building streamlined and organized. Make sure to check out their new prospecting and email-finding features.
Citation Labs' Broken Link Finder http://www.brokenlinkbuilding.com/
Instead of hunting for broken links page-by-page, The Broken Link Finder proactively searches the web for them. Just search for a keyword and the tool will scour the internet for broken links…and hand them to you on a silver platter.
Citation Labs' Link Prospector http://linkprospector.citationlabs.com/
A industrial-level link opportunity finder. Link Prospector scans the web for link building opportunities like resource pages, guest posts, blogs, news sites and more.
Content Marketer https://contentmarketer.io/
An excellent tool that finds contact information (ie. emails) and helps you reach out to those people. I’ve found that the contact info it spits out is pretty darn accurate.
GroupHigh http://www.grouphigh.com/
GroupHigh is advanced blogger outreach software. Despite the laundry list of features, it’s pretty darn easy to use. Just enter a few keywords to find blogs in your industry. Then filter by Domain Authority and last post date to whittle down the list to bloggers that are worth reaching out to. You can also reach out to them (and track your results) within the platform.
Linkbird https://www.linkbird.com/en/
LinkBird is a keyword research/rank tracking/backlink analysis/link building hybrid tool. Fires off email alerts when it finds a new backlink pointing to your site.
Linkstant http://www.linkstant.com/
Linkstant you an email alert every time you get a new link. Why is this helpful? Well you can turn that one link into multiple links (and a relationship) with a quick “hey, thanks for linking to me” email. It also helps you identify reputation management issues quickly so you can nip them in the bud before they blow up.
Muck Rack http://muckrack.com/
If you want to get mentions (and backlinks) from sites like The New York Times and Forbes, you need to start rubbing elbows with journalists. And Muck Rack is an impressive PR tool that helps you quickly find journalists that cover your site’s industry.
Ninja Outreach http://ninjaoutreach.com/
Ninja Outreach is an impressive new blogger outreach tool. Search for influential peeps and reach out to them…all from within the tool. Includes outreach templates.
Outreachr http://www.outreachr.com/
A pretty nifty content promotion tool. Enter a few keywords and Outreachr will scour the web for websites that cover those topics. Comes packed with tons of sorting features (like Domain Authority and Citation Flow) so that you can focus on reaching out to ballers.
Remove'em https://www.removeem.com/
Remove’em is a pro-level link removal tool. This comes in hand if you got hit by Google Penguin or a Manual “Unnatural Links” penalty.
Rank Ranger https://www.rankranger.com/
Rank Ranger is a reliable rank tracker that comes bundles with a handful of extra features like on-page audits, keyword research, and competitor analysis. Nice tool.
Rival IQ https://www.rivaliq.com/
Rival IQ pits your social media and SEO presence against your competitors. It your chief competitor getting more Twitter mentions than you? Are they ranking for a new keyword? This excellent tool will let you know. Had a lot of fun playing around with this one.
SEO Rank Monitor http://www.seorankmonitor.com/
SEO Rank Monitor tracks your keywords against your competitors. Also does YouTube Rank checking.
Serpfox http://serpfox.com/
SERPFox is a no-fuss rank tracking tool that just works. A great value.
SERPs.com https://serps.com/tools/keywords
SERPS.com is an enterprise-level rank tracking product with a built-in keyword research tool.
WebCEO http://www.webceo.com/
WebCEO is a world-class SEO platform that gives you access to a bunch of quality tools to boost your SEO, from keyword research to technical SEO to rank tracking and even mobile optimization.
WordTail http://wordtail.com/
Wordtail is a nice rank tracking tool that has the features you’d expect from dedicated rank tracking software (like grouping keywords, in-depth reports and competitor tracking).
MarketMuse https://www.marketmuse.com/products
MarketMuse is advanced content analysis tool (similar to Scribe by Copyblogger). Market Muse scans your content and compares it to similar content on the web. If it finds that other people mention a keyword that you don’t, it tells you about this “content gap”.
Thanks to Alerion