I'd like to represent
Revengeful-WoW! a WoW Private Server growing everyday expanding to greater heights! The server currently has to offer a instant 80 server! Fully working classes, working BG's daily options and daily updates and fixes by the Developers/Admins! Revengeful - WoW only offers the best content and the top quality! Daily staff online and working hard everyday! Why don't you give it a shot to come over and have a small peek! We won't disappoint you! So.... let the journey begin!
* No Pay to Win Content
* Crossfaction Battlegrounds (recently added)
* Transmog is available & free
* No PvE gear / No Legendarys / No professions
* Progression Starting from Furious --> Relentless --> Wrathful
* Lesser Gem & Lesser Enchantment removals (only if lesser has same stat-type)
* All gear can be obtained with honor & made the grind easier by greatly reducing the honor costs.
* Obtain honor through PvP/PvE daily quests (faction bosses/faction guards/world boss/& more)
* Arena points can now be traded for honor (Arena points may have future use)
* Honorable kills in battlegrounds grant PvP tokens which can be traded for honor
* Active & well-coordinated staff
Starting zones
* Starting Area Alliance - Arathi Highlands (Refuge Point)
* Starting Area Horde - Arathi Highlands (Hammerfall)
* Reason: World PvP & small area to help growth of the server once populated enough we will expand it.
* Collect Honor through chests spawned around Arathi Highlands, has a rare chance to drop even more Honor.
* Fight World NPCs for chance of Honor drops.
* Fight World Boss to receive Honor & vanity items.
* Are main focus is to get a improved balanced blizz-like i80 PvP experience with some new & minimal changes for those who just want to jump right into PvP & help with creating a even playing field.

Revengeful-WoW! a WoW Private Server growing everyday expanding to greater heights! The server currently has to offer a instant 80 server! Fully working classes, working BG's daily options and daily updates and fixes by the Developers/Admins! Revengeful - WoW only offers the best content and the top quality! Daily staff online and working hard everyday! Why don't you give it a shot to come over and have a small peek! We won't disappoint you! So.... let the journey begin!
* No Pay to Win Content
* Crossfaction Battlegrounds (recently added)
* Transmog is available & free
* No PvE gear / No Legendarys / No professions
* Progression Starting from Furious --> Relentless --> Wrathful
* Lesser Gem & Lesser Enchantment removals (only if lesser has same stat-type)
* All gear can be obtained with honor & made the grind easier by greatly reducing the honor costs.
* Obtain honor through PvP/PvE daily quests (faction bosses/faction guards/world boss/& more)
* Arena points can now be traded for honor (Arena points may have future use)
* Honorable kills in battlegrounds grant PvP tokens which can be traded for honor
* Active & well-coordinated staff
Starting zones
* Starting Area Alliance - Arathi Highlands (Refuge Point)
* Starting Area Horde - Arathi Highlands (Hammerfall)
* Reason: World PvP & small area to help growth of the server once populated enough we will expand it.
* Collect Honor through chests spawned around Arathi Highlands, has a rare chance to drop even more Honor.
* Fight World NPCs for chance of Honor drops.
* Fight World Boss to receive Honor & vanity items.
* Are main focus is to get a improved balanced blizz-like i80 PvP experience with some new & minimal changes for those who just want to jump right into PvP & help with creating a even playing field.
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