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Reputation from Charakters in Guild


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Cologne Germany
Hello :)

It is me again ^^ As I said i am working myself in the simple things, so i startet to take a look into the worldserver.confi.
My Wife is playing and testing the server all way long :eek: for quests and such things not working( to say to me:hey repair ><)
Well, after I managed that a guild can be made, hhere do I change the reputation for guilds? i set all EXP and Rep Rates to 2, but the reputation for guild is far to low. There are only 2 rep points for a 250 rep quest (like silvermoon or so)
Pls help me, I am not able to find myself .-.

Greetings ^^



Hi Gabriel,

I'm sorry for the slow reply, I will be searching in the database tonight (As I haven't done this before) and will get back to you asap! :)


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Cologne Germany
No hurry I have all the time in the world :O
Hihi ^^ i am the first one with Admin rights who says: 250 points for a city and only two for guild? nooo way :p *little joking ^^*
ahh one little question I have >< how do I open a file so I can see how it is made. oh dammid what is the word -.-"
dammid @.@
I want to open a file for a quest to say to the quest, you have to give this item to the player who says i finished the quest. what file (as example) will that be? where can i find it?
I am so sorry, my englisch is in this way so bad >-<

greetings ^-^


Hi again,

It's this part you want to increase: http://gyazo.com/fe9e780d870e30ff644785552016ffb9 - right? The rate of reputation.

I'm honestly unsure about this, I have figured out how to increase the guild XP but not reputation. I'm pretty sure it's default handled in the core, BUT in your world database you could find the table called "Reputation_Reward_Rate" find the faction and try to set quest_rate, creature_rate etc up to a high amount to see if it changes.

Also regarding your "open file question" I have a hard time understanding it, it's fine that you have some issues with your english, we should be able to figure it out anyways =)

-- Are you trying to create a custom quest where you the questgiver requires you to have X item and then you can complete it, or?


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Cologne Germany
Hi ^^
Yes this is what I am searching for :eek:
Well, all rates with EXP and REP I set up to 2 :eek: so well I gain a reputation of 2 ^^" I was really laughing out laud in fact that the other reputation was 1125 or something like that (far to high ><)

Q_Q so sorry for this messup englisch!
I try to explain
you play on my server. you have a quest. you need to do: run around, kill mobs and claim a questitem.
all went fin, no questitems.
i want to tell the mobs: give the quest item to player.
but therefor (as I think) i need the text in c++ from the quest and mob. and so I want to know, where to find the document to look.


I am really thankful, that you help me :) I am not used to gain so much help with an admin in a server who is so nice .-.

Greetings ^^ from cologne :eek:



Hi ^^
Yes this is what I am searching for :eek:
Well, all rates with EXP and REP I set up to 2 :eek: so well I gain a reputation of 2 ^^" I was really laughing out laud in fact that the other reputation was 1125 or something like that (far to high ><)

Q_Q so sorry for this messup englisch!
I try to explain
you play on my server. you have a quest. you need to do: run around, kill mobs and claim a questitem.
all went fin, no questitems.
i want to tell the mobs: give the quest item to player.
but therefor (as I think) i need the text in c++ from the quest and mob. and so I want to know, where to find the document to look.


I am really thankful, that you help me :) I am not used to gain so much help with an admin in a server who is so nice .-.

Greetings ^^ from cologne :eek:


Hi Gabriel, I'm glad to hear that you like what I am doing to help you!

-- Glad you figured out the reputation part.

- About the quset part, oh now I got it -- You should go into quest_template and check http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/quest_template so you know what the specefic columns actually means.

Anyhow in a short way let me tell you what to do;

You need to go into quest_template, create a quest where it requires you to kill X mob X times (There's a column later in, in the quest_template if you search further. After that, there's a column called "RequiredItem" and "RequiredItemCount" where you enter that as well. - Again you can read more about it, in the link above.

Then you need to add a loot to the creatures and you do that by going into creature_template, find the column lootid and then you enter a random number you will write down/remember for now, -- Again you can read more about the columns here;

And then you need to go into creature_loot_template where you will be adding the loot to the creature, if you go to this link http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/loot_template you will see a description of that table as well;

In the entry you add the lootid, you just made.
ItemId you enter the requireditemid in the quest that you made before, enter the proc chance/chance of the item to drop, for example if 50, then it has a chance of 50% to drop.

And there you go, if you need it more detailed, let me know!


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Cologne Germany
wow ok well .-. ahm that will take far a lot of time till i manage to do this. it is all new and so ^^

I thank you really very much :O I hope I can do this without killing the server xD
than I will look for all files and start looking ^^

Thank you for the kind help ^-^

All good and greetings
