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"Repair" Quests, that are not working.


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"Repair" Quests, that are not working.

I want to have a completely localised and working quest-experience for "my" server.

What do i do:
I play with no GM-rights and read all the quests, all texts, check functionally and localisation, and translate/correct on the fly.
I have my database-tool open on the 2nd screen and when i find something to change, i switch to it and change it. After i few changes i close the client and the worldserver, clear the clientcache and restart worldserver and client to see the changes and recorrect if necessary. Thus doing some kind of QA.

For example on one afternoon I just made an gnomen mage and played the starting area, doing localisation changes manually. (See also post about "my localisation" project" HERE: https://www.emucoach.com/support/7139-localisation-questions-corresponding-fields.html#post72196)

Besides the translations that i do, i sometimes stumpble over quests that are not "working" and i was wondering how to solve it...

26318 (Quest: Explosion animation of explosion missing, used to work in v7)
26364 (Quest: Works but no movement/fight. Just cast the questspell once and he is dead and quest done)

Is there some sort of tutorial, how to "fix" quests? (Database only, as i have now idea at all about scripting)

I could not find something by using the forum-search, but perhaps i was just too dumb to find it :) So please excuse that thread, if i missed something...

Any help / hint / link would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance and excuse my bad english.

Sunny Regards to you all.
