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[Released] Project Sylvanas RETAIL


Trial Member
Hello today I would like to introduce a new Intnernal Script Platform called Project Sylvanas PvE/PvP.
This platform is currently in BETA and you can get for FREE if you log into their discords server.

Also if you are active and helping with reports you can take a Tester role.

-Also looking for devs for PvP/PvЕ.
If there are devs who want to help please log into the discord server. Keep in mind that the platform is FREE and you won't get money if you do rotations at least for now.
Maybe in the future in 1,2 years there will be a paid version and you can make some money.

Also if you have any questions you can log in here
Here is the website for the product and discord server:

Discord: https://discord.gg/MfWEt5aw
Website: https://project-sylvanas.net/

PvP currently supports these classes.
  1. Warrior Arms (All spells)
    Warrior Fury (Arms better) (Not all pvp spells)

    DH Havoc (Not all pvp spells)

    Paladin Ret (Not all pvp spells)
    Paladin Holy (Not all pvp spells)

    Hunter Beast (Includes CC Panel) (Not all pvp spells)
    Hunter Survival (Includes CC Panel) (Not all pvp spells)
    Hunter Marksmanship (Includes CC Panel) (Not all pvp spells)

    Showcase Menu:


    -PvP Videos:
    -PvE Videos: