Each Base Class has specific Perks and properties making many choices for unique Builds using ClassLess interface to build on top of it using points and stats gained from leveling to choose Spells and Talents you Desire
Players can have all profesions on each char
Complete Interaction with Other Faction + .t
Instant flight paths all open and maps explored
All players can use all Armors and Weapons
Auto-Revive for Newbies up to lvl 11 (Immortality System)
Item transmog, Reforging and all Glyphs
x2 XP Rates and Progressive content starting on Vanilla
War is over! Do other factions quests and visit their towns!
Custom Spells added + Random Enchants and Suffixes on ALL Items
Travel anywhere in the world using .t
More handy .commands + Custom commands
Custom Monk Pet vendor will help you get some stuff in game
Nice Mall @ .t m1 with custom NPCs and all basic stuff
Pretty Balanced out base class builds
1v1 CrossFaction BattleGrounds & Arena with custom PVP currency
Purchaseable Tree Form, Fly Anywhere Mount and HolyForm
Buffed Pets + Hunter Pets for All! They have max TP and more hp/dmg
Handy #reset command for your re-builds
Lots of customized + Custom Content
All Randomized Items can now be Re-randomized with custom tokens

This 54kb Patch R is all you need
(updated 28.11.2017)
Join us Here!
Each level you will get points to spend on spells/talents/stats from any class and your base class spells and talents you can learn the normal way.
If you fancy more custom content, then you can visit our ShadowMourne realm. There all items are Buffed, Players are Buffed too and there is nice custom content as well. Ofc it is ClassLess too
ReforgeCraft on Facebook
Our Discord Chat Channel
Guide for slightly Customized, Progressive End-Game Content
Newbie Guide on YouTube
Update: Raised default XP rates to x2 and on Weekends it is x3 , also first part of Karazhan Attunement customized Quest chain content is finished