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Red ? in repack, want to fix them where to start?


Verified Member
I downloaded The-Ultimate-Classic-Bunbdle-By-Samibotss from the repacks section and I setup a WOTLK server without issue. Created an account got logged in and created a couple of different characters.

When I created the characters some of the items came up with Red ? marks. I thought the starting equip was bugged so I sold it and purchased new to find that all items of the same type were the same (Rough Arrows! No BOW till level 10! SMH! on hunters)

Now I want to figure out how to repair this, and provide a working db back to the community. I am strong in the force (SQL, Code whatever) can somebody point me at, give me a bullet rundown of the process for searching for, repairing item issues. No custom items at this point just fix stock ones.

EDIT: I found this http://www.ownedcore.com/forums/wor...-tutorials/350208-red-fix-3-3-5a-servers.html but it seems to be for custom items. does anybody think this might work? and where can I get a copy of ItemDBGen for the link is busted.

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