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Recruiting Staff Crew For a New Unique Project 4.3.4.

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Verified Member
Hey So i came up with an idea few months ago.

What I plan is to make an All-In-One Server as an Online Repack.

We will be hosting a unique Database & Website that will provide many kind of features.

Main Idea, People Will be able to host a Local/Lan Realm for free using the hosted database and the repack provided. They Will be able to setup "Auth Realm Settings (ip/port/realmName") using their own account on the Website.

My Opinion :
+ This is a great way to provide a sure & stable realm for everyone at Low-Cost so it's a Guarantee that you will not lost everything after few months of playing & donations.
+ Using the same database for multiple realm (public or local) will not make you lose your progression. you will be able to play on local for few months and continue playing with random players on your favorite public realm.
+ Local Server will provide instant access to your realm and extremely Low MS in-game. (no more lags).

Planned In-Game Features :
1) In-Game Store
2) Featured Automatic AI-Bots Up to 50 (Raids/Dungeons/World/Battlegrounds/Arena/Duels)
3) PVE/PVP Content
* (Harder Mode In Raids)
* (Custom World Bosses)
* (Legacy Raids / Custom Quest Line to unlock access to Legacy Raids (They will be updated to level 85))
* (Rated Battlegrounds, All Arenas, All Battlegrounds, Skirmish Arenas, FFA, Unique Currency)
4) Objective : 3 Months Of playing (for a start)
5) Blizzlike Leveling System with Custom Heirlooms and rewards Or Instant 85 with mall like a normal instant 85 server.
6) You should be able to play as you like that mean if you don't like Questing or raiding everything will be accessible via PvP Content and vice-versa
7) Unlockable Npc that provide features such as teleportation/Cheats/beastmasetring/enchanting/profession-boost or Whatever
8) Custom Mounts/Transmog/Currencies/Visual Shirts or whatever.
9) Others Kind Of Farmable Content.

* Somes Others Features Will be added soon.
Business Plan :
Players Will be able to subscribe to host on their Own a public realm.
Players Will be able to purchase via In-Game/Website Store somes Extra Boost/Cheats/Transmog/Mounts Etc..
Others Donations Services.

*Maximum Wanted Cost between 0.99$ to 9.99$

- [ Staff Crew ]
I'm Currently Looking for :

1/5 : C++ Developers / Mid to Experienced
* TrinityCore / Mangos / Working With ACE Libs
* Atleast Windows Work.
* Crash,Spells,Bugs Fixes.
* Custom Content Makers.

1/5 : Sql Developers / Mid to Experienced
* Quest Makers
* Item Creators / Being Able to find Spells Visuals
* Custom Mount
* Vendor / Gossip
* Being Able to Work on Custom Databases.

0/X : Db2 - Dbc Editor / Junior to Experienced
(Mainly for Currencies & Extended Cost)

0/2 : Story Writer / Creative Idea
* Quest Line For Each Legacy Raids/Dungeons Access
* Npc Gossip

0/X : Website Developer & Designer
* (Being able to develop advanced and secured scripts)

0/2 : Marketing & Socials Networking Skilled Person.
* Know People In Emulation.
* (Recommended)
Know how to handle Facebook/Twitter or Others Medias.
Some Skill In Doing Videos/Teaser/After Effect Handling.

0/1 : Services Provider (Such as Hosting Services)
* Being Able to provide Secured Machines and great stable host.
* Not Needed For Actual Development State.

0/X : In-Game Content Testers
* Being Able to provide Daily Change log.
* Good Knowledge of Extensions.
* Being Able to Provide PC Informations (Such as Performences)
* Being Able to Run a Repack.

Requirement :
1) Professional Working.
2) Being Active, provide at-least One or two thing per day depending on stuff provided.
3) Being Able to provide daily feedback of your work.
4) Being Able to Work On Localhost using a provided repack.
5) Being Able to Work With BitBucket or Github.
6) Being Able to Work in a Team & by yourself.
7) Being Able to Use Skype with having at least fluid English skills.

Highly Recommended & Appreciate :
1) Open Minded Person
2) Fast & Clean Work
3) Experience With retail/private server 4.3.4.
4) Creative & Positive Mind.
5) Being Able to provide Sample of your previous work.

* AI-Bots System is almost done and being tested. (Will Not be Shared due to approximately 6 years of works)
* Others Custom Content are Correctly Working.

* I Will be able to provide an alpha realm. so you can start working on it.
- C++ Approximate Delivery Date (14/15 feb 2016)
- SQL Approximate Delivery Date (1/3 feb 2016)

* Crew Will not be payed before releasing the project and getting money from.
* not applicable for Host Provider.


Verified Member
Somes Answered Questions :
I have got a few questions that i would like to clear ;D
Does the guy who purchases your repack have the acces to the database?
Does the guy who purchases your repack have the right to do anything he wants with it? adding costume items bla bla
Does the guy who purchases your repack has a limit of players he can get into it?
Does the guy who purchases your repack has the right to make his server public and be the owner in terms of profit and all that...?
Does the guy who purchases your repack has to pay you anything because at first you say it is free but then you say he can go to 10 bucks(9,99)?

1) Since it's for Players Mainly We will only provide a kind of GTA / Battlefield Server location services. so for now No
* a list of public realm will be provided on our website. no external Website Will be made.
* you will still able to play on localhost.
2) The answer is Yes, We will provide assistance to create Custom Content for subscribers.
3) They will start with a base player of 25 in addition of bots. getting in permanence high population will result to a reduction of bots playing and increase limitation of base player.
4) as i said previously server will be a kind of GTA / Battlefield. Yes depending on your income you will get a % on it.
5) Like a normal Realm you will not have to pay anything to get extra in-game content it will be as your own choice. unless you chose to make your own public realm. External Cost Such as Hosting Realm will be applied. but the store will still be open choice.

in addition. we will for sure provide a environment to develop and share your own content for on others realm.

* Somes Issue like Compatibility will need to be solved before, since you could have different content on realm. but only one characters database this system will make you able to jump on any local/public realm and keep your progression.

* if you are suspicious about how ?
a simple phasing system using realmid should solve all related issues.
to solve huge database loading, same system will be used so your core will only load the stuff related to your realmid


Verified Member
im gonna sound like a complete noob for asking this in the wrong section... i havent gotten into private servers since wowscape and wowblaze and all that crap... i know they died out super hard. my question being i know with the new server repacks and such. item creation and object npcs etc have been just in the dbc files instead of using wow-v and sql injections without the person having to add said file to there folder... who wants to do that. my question being. 4.3.4 is that just before that crappy stuff ocurred? being the having to download files and add them to the dbc folder?


Verified Member
im gonna sound like a complete noob for asking this in the wrong section... i havent gotten into private servers since wowscape and wowblaze and all that crap... i know they died out super hard. my question being i know with the new server repacks and such. item creation and object npcs etc have been just in the dbc files instead of using wow-v and sql injections without the person having to add said file to there folder... who wants to do that. my question being. 4.3.4 is that just before that crappy stuff ocurred? being the having to download files and add them to the dbc folder?

Well no, everything you mentioned is still being available as SQL, * Only few dbc turned into db2 that mean that they are directly connected to the client.
* we won't need to edit a lot of things in / dbc or db2 / depending on our custom content.

* you will only have to download the "repack" and launch it from your pc or join a public realm listed on our website to play.


Verified Member
Ok i really enjoyed how clear you were with your answers and believe me they were good the thing is why should i play in a server where max players are 25 when there are SO MANY servers 1k+ players basicly i just don´t like the idea but ANYWAY there might be people who like it so GOOD LUCK!

as i know 1k+ server even blizzard doesn't have instant queue for Bg/dungeon or Raid on Commands. Starting with a limitation of 25 player will reduce the risk of failing and keep an enjoyable community.
AI-Bots Also Use a lot of Server Capacity till now i didn't found a way to fix this.

also with our system like i said, you will be able to jump on any public realm without losing your characters progression. if the owner of the public realm doesn't want to increase his population and if it's full you will be able to simply join another available realm and continue where you stopped.

keep in mind that our base players will not be limited to 25, but x25*X number of realm/local connexion
we would eventually provide our own "public realm"

this doesnt make any sense.

I don't understand you, everything is clear. i want to bring an universal gameplay for every single player in one and simple repack. and being able to control what people do with. instead of making a banal server that will close after 3 months because of child community, huge cost, low population or whatever.
being able to provide a service that you will enjoy play alone or either with friend or random public at low cost.

it's a kind of huge network where you can play our content for free alone or with local friends or pay a subscription to open your private public realm in few step using our platform.

i don't know if you ever played on GTA4 Online Servers or on Random Battlefield services. but it should be approximately the same.

Can you develop more your opinion ?