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RA/Telnet Guide


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This guide is going to focus on how to setup your Telnet/RA (remote access) to work with your FusionCMS or other CMS that supports WoW private servers.

Make sure you have port 3443 forwarded before you start.

Start up MySQL, then the auth server. Go to your world.config, Find, "Console.Enable", replace the 0 with a 1. Next find, "Ra.Enable", replace the 0 with a 1. Find, "Ra.IP", change to Now find, "Ra.Port", and make sure the port is 3443.

Now launch the world server.

Here's what it should look like: http://pasteboard.co/2vmsxyIc.png

To enable Telnet:
Go to Control Panel>Programs and Features. On the left you'll see Turn Windows features on or off. Click it.

Now in the little menu of boxes that are unchecked/checked.
Find, Telnet Server and Telnet Client. Check them and finish.

Like this http://pasteboard.co/2vlwigxp.png

Go here and download
Putty. http://www.putty.org

Once installed open Putty. In the address bar type
And the port should be 3443. Check Telnet below that. Now press Open.
It should look like this: http://pasteboard.co/2vkHWi4p.png

A command prompt should appear. Type in your account username and password you use for an admin account for WoW. It should say something like connected to "what ever your realm name is". *note: The default Emucoach admin (not to mention many) WoW login is admin admin. Please not you must use an admin account you don't want low security users to access Telnet. Bad things can come of it.

it should look like this: http://pasteboard.co/2vlRUCt0.png

Inside your fusion CMS in dashboard of the admin panel you'll find a button that says, "Settings", Click it.
Once there at the very top you'll see, "Realms", and, "Add a new realm", go to the realm you currently have setup or make a new one if you don't have one. Press the pencil icon. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, you'll see, "Emulator". Choose what type of core you have. If it's Emucoachs 4.3.4 V3, You'll choose "Trinitycore (4.3.4) with RBAC - Connected through RA". Next Set your Console Port to 3443.
Next type your username and password you use to play WoW with, use your admin account. For Emucoach it is admin/admin. Now click, "Save Realm".

Here's what it should look like: http://pasteboard.co/2vmoLB7E.png

On down you'll find the RA username, password, and port number set those to what we just went over. Save and your done enjoy sending mail, donation items, etc to people automatically all you have to do is create the item to send in your Fusion Store.
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