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Questions on db editing and ..


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Hello all. First off thanks again for the v6 repack. I've been having some fun running around and checking some things within it.
I've been around wow retail and emus quite a bit over the years. Which brings me to my questions.

First off i'd like to learn how to go a bit further. As in learning a bit more of what all can be achievable with learning to edit emucoach word db. And possibly helping out with fixes over time. Like what are the limitations? Can npc be created and spawned? What type of fixes can be done with quests? How is path editing done?

I've always been a bit unclear on what all can be done with world db edits alone. I've messed with things in the past. Like editing certain instance doors to be open. And small things like that. But never really was able to do much other than that.

Im intetested in contributing, and picking up vip soon. I like what I've read and seen in this active community so far.

Thanks for any feedback!


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Barryton Michigan USA
Wow! That is a big question.
Well let's see if i can make it simple, Without editing the core, Or the game client, Paths can be set via GM commands, Just look in your commands data table at that huge list, Using Heidsql of course. Or go to a page like this https://www.reaper-x.com/2009/01/01/trinity-core-gm-commands/.

With those tools you can pretty much make an npc do or say most things. And if it can't be done with those commands, It can still be done by using scripts, If your willing to compile your own server. Let's see what kind of things i've done without compiling.

Create new items, Weapons, Armors, By using existing model id's already used in the game. With new stats, That didn't previously exist ingame.
Create new bags, Giving them whatever size slots that i want. But there is a limit, I just don't know what it is anymore.
Create new creatures/Npc's. There are unused models in the game client that can be accessed and used for your creatures, Or you can duplicate any creature you see, Give them a new name, New level, New stats, ect. Mounts or no mounts. Weapons, And a huge list of spells they can use. And probably more that i can't think of at the moment.
You can use existing models for your own purposes, such as i took the race car models from thousand needles (lich king), And turned them into new ground mounts for players.
You can change loots on any creature, that includes fishing loot.
set area triggers that cause special events to happen, Such as spawning something, or whatever you can think of.
you can set the requirements for riding and flying to whatever you like. Same goes for any quest.
Create new quests, A simple goto quest, or kill quest is the easiest, If you get into scripting then you'll need to compile.
You can use building or city models, if you know their name in the game client.

That's all i can think of right now, I'm still waking up. But you can literally redesign the entire game to your own will, By using GM commands, and editing the database. Probably the most useful thing that i ever did was create quest chains that give out heirloom items. And another chain that gives out emblems which are used to purchase, and upgrade nice gear in dalaran.

But you can add all kinds of vendors too, Such as Glyph vendors, Very useful if your not running a public server.
You can change the prices of anything in the game. Even change it from honor points to gold, Or just about any combination you can think of.

Anyway i could go on forever about what's possible. Just remember to take your time, Study the database structure until you understand exactly where things are stored. Wether it's in the database or game client.

A good comparison for all of this is, Years ago i wrote a script for Lineage 2 called Monster Invasion. This was done in Jython, a very limited scripting language that required advanced programming knowledge. As it says monsters were invading a town called giran, and players had to defend it. But this took a huge amount of code to accomplish, and even then it was glitchy and prone to script crashes.

These days in Wow, I can accomplish everything that script did without writing a single line of code, or script. Because there are so many commands, and data tables that i can edit, to preset everything i want them to do. Of course this would be stupid to do it that way, As a script uses far less resources, And puts all of the commands in one place, But it can be done.

So have fun.


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Thanks for the re and info!

With those tools you can pretty much make an npc do or say most things.

Ok. So if one uses GM commands to make a npc path. Is this info saved into the db somewhere?

Also are there any utilities that you would recommend other then HeidiSQL? I mean I like HeidiSQL, just curios.

I've had a peak at the quest_template. Those tables are a bit large to take in. Is there a nice way to make a template to say, make creating a quest a bit more friendly?
And then how do these relate to an npc?

I know I still have a long ways to go. But these were some curios questions that came to mind from the re.

Thanks again for sharing feedback!


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I use Navicat for MySQL. I found it to be much more "user friendly". At least to a shadetree dabbler like me! lol :D :cool:

After thought: I add missing NPC, even flight points, and such, and extra vendors in barren areas at times from within game. The DB remembers my adds/changes if that helps? :)
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