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Quest Not Working Need Auto Complete Code! Please Look!


Veteran Member
Hello, I am running into an issue with the quest "Charging The Battle" On my Catalysm server I got from Deathwings Madness
It will not detect any of the things I do here are a few screenshots

Me attacking a dummy using "Charge" as the quest requests.
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013413.jpg

Me attacking a battle wrog and it still does not do anything.
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013449.jpg

Here is the quest
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013853.jpg

If someone could provide me with a way to make this autocomplete right away for someone that would be fantastic because this is like a annoyance

(These screenshots were after I used Charge and attacked but the result still says 0/1 on the quest and wont change at all it wont register or complete threw the quest)
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Mr. Satan

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Hello, I am running into an issue with the quest "Charging The Battle" On my Catalysm server I got from Deathwings Madness
It will not detect any of the things I do here are a few screenshots

Me attacking a dummy using "Charge" as the quest requests.

Me attacking a battle wrog and it still does not do anything.

Here is the quest

If someone could provide me with a way to make this autocomplete right away for someone that would be fantastic because this is like a annoyance

Not to be rude, but please read the spell tool tip before using it.
Charge is a spell that you must be a certain amount of yards away from the target. You can't charge into a target that is right in front of you.
I believe you have to be about 10-15 yards, it says on the spell tooltip.

I want to assure you that the only reason I may appear to be rude is that I first went to move this thread because I thought it was a bug report, but I moved the wrong thread so I had to move it back, then I moved this thread only to realize your problem wasn't a bug, so I had to move this one back as well.

If you still want to know the auto-complete quest commands for future use, let me know and I'll post them.


Veteran Member
Not to be rude, but please read the spell tool tip before using it.
Charge is a spell that you must be a certain amount of yards away from the target. You can't charge into a target that is right in front of you.
I believe you have to be about 10-15 yards, it says on the spell tooltip.

I want to assure you that the only reason I may appear to be rude is that I first went to move this thread because I thought it was a bug report, but I moved the wrong thread so I had to move it back, then I moved this thread only to realize your problem wasn't a bug, so I had to move this one back as well.

If you still want to know the auto-complete quest commands for future use, let me know and I'll post them.

Hey yea I rread it and in those screenshots those were the shots after I did it, and I was far away yes, and it just didn't register after I did it, It will let me charge and attack them but the quest its self just wont register and complete is pretty much my isssue.

And yes I really would like to know about the auto complete considering this issue still remains where it will not complete the quest and it will not register at all.
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Hey yea I rread it and in those screenshots those were the shots after I did it, and I was far away yes, and it just didn't register after I did it, It will let me charge and attack them but the quest its self just wont register and complete is pretty much my isssue.

And yes I really would like to know about the auto complete considering this issue still remains where it will not complete the quest and it will not register at all.

Sorry about that then, I wasn't sure if that was the case or not since it wasn't stated in the thread, so it's my fault for jumping to that conclusion.

First, you want to lookup the quest ID so you can work with it, by using this command:
.lookup quest QUEST_NAME_HERE
This will give you a few results, hopefully only 1, the specific quest you're looking for, however multiple may appear. Especially if the quest has an Alliance/Horde version, although your specific quest should not have to worry about that. Just for future reference, the quest ID you want to get is the one that says (active) next to it. I believe it is possible for the (active) tag to not show up on it, but not very often, in my personal experience.
The quest ID the number to the left of the quest names.

Now, to complete the quest, use this command:
.quest complete QUEST_ID_HERE
This command will only complete the quest's mission, meaning you still need to go back and talk to the quest giver to get your reward.
In some rare cases, you may not be able to complete the quest, from a bug on the quest giver, or the quest itself, etc.
In that situation, you want to use this command:
.quest reward QUEST_ID_HERE
NOTE: When using the above command, it will give the exp and gold reward, and it will also give you ALL items possible to receive. Meaning in a quest where you're allowed to choose what item you want, instead of getting just that one item, you will receive every item option offered, if any.
If you want a legit run through of the game, then this can easily be taken care of by just deleting the item. The second option is to just sell it at a vendor, however the later quests (around 70 or 80), selling the items would result in a lot of gold, ruining the legit feel of your play-through.


Never the less, this is fixed on the current VIP version & the next upcoming free version.


Veteran Member
Sorry about that then, I wasn't sure if that was the case or not since it wasn't stated in the thread, so it's my fault for jumping to that conclusion.

First, you want to lookup the quest ID so you can work with it, by using this command:

This will give you a few results, hopefully only 1, the specific quest you're looking for, however multiple may appear. Especially if the quest has an Alliance/Horde version, although your specific quest should not have to worry about that. Just for future reference, the quest ID you want to get is the one that says (active) next to it. I believe it is possible for the (active) tag to not show up on it, but not very often, in my personal experience.
The quest ID the number to the left of the quest names.

Now, to complete the quest, use this command:

This command will only complete the quest's mission, meaning you still need to go back and talk to the quest giver to get your reward.
In some rare cases, you may not be able to complete the quest, from a bug on the quest giver, or the quest itself, etc.
In that situation, you want to use this command:

NOTE: When using the above command, it will give the exp and gold reward, and it will also give you ALL items possible to receive. Meaning in a quest where you're allowed to choose what item you want, instead of getting just that one item, you will receive every item option offered, if any.
If you want a legit run through of the game, then this can easily be taken care of by just deleting the item. The second option is to just sell it at a vendor, however the later quests (around 70 or 80), selling the items would result in a lot of gold, ruining the legit feel of your play-through.

That you it means alot :) It worked but my question is how can I make it autocomplete for people? and I looked up the quest and found that there are 2 quests with the same name for some reason on my list... I don't know what thats about take a look

View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_143112.jpg
It says there are 2 "Charging Into Battle" quests one is active the other is not hmmm....

I would also like to know where in the database can I set this to complete automatically?


Veteran Member
Never the less, this is fixed on the current VIP version & the next upcoming free version.

I have bought VIP and still can't seem to get the fix for some reason its still bugged am I missing something here, I did everything correctly it just simply wont work, my question also is once I delete the quest itself how do I make the quest be given from another NPC and not that NPC I want to have the story itself still continue as if The quest was never there and just allow them to continue on to the next quest that is suppose to be given on completition

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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I have bought VIP and still can't seem to get the fix for some reason its still bugged am I missing something here, I did everything correctly it just simply wont work, my question also is once I delete the quest itself how do I make the quest be given from another NPC and not that NPC I want to have the story itself still continue as if The quest was never there and just allow them to continue on to the next quest that is suppose to be given on completition

Sadly, I do not know how to make it auto-complete for other people, maybe ExO could answer that for you, if it's even possible to do through the database.

Also, did you download the newest VIP version? Version 6.1? Because I'm not too sure I had the problem in this current version.
The more I think about it, I think I remember it being it v5 or *maybe* even version 6, but on 6.1 I haven't noticed it, which is why I ask if you're on the most updated VIP version, 6.1.