Hello, I am running into an issue with the quest "Charging The Battle" On my Catalysm server I got from Deathwings Madness
It will not detect any of the things I do here are a few screenshots
Me attacking a dummy using "Charge" as the quest requests.
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013413.jpg
Me attacking a battle wrog and it still does not do anything.
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013449.jpg
Here is the quest
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013853.jpg
If someone could provide me with a way to make this autocomplete right away for someone that would be fantastic because this is like a annoyance
(These screenshots were after I used Charge and attacked but the result still says 0/1 on the quest and wont change at all it wont register or complete threw the quest)
It will not detect any of the things I do here are a few screenshots
Me attacking a dummy using "Charge" as the quest requests.
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013413.jpg
Me attacking a battle wrog and it still does not do anything.
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013449.jpg
Here is the quest
View attachment WoWScrnShot_090816_013853.jpg
If someone could provide me with a way to make this autocomplete right away for someone that would be fantastic because this is like a annoyance
(These screenshots were after I used Charge and attacked but the result still says 0/1 on the quest and wont change at all it wont register or complete threw the quest)
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