How can I translate quest to another language? spanish :innocent:
I could be wrong on this, as I've never done this before, but I have an idea, and it seems fairly easy.
Make sure you have a Database editing program, such as HeidiSQL.
Open your server, then open HeidiSQL and log in, then under the 'world' database (I can't remember the full name in the v7 repack, just whatever has 'World' in it) look for the table: 'quest_template'
Find the columns 'OfferRewardText', 'RequestItemsText', 'CompletedText'
That's all you need to edit to translate a quest, I believe.
Just translate whatever needs to be translated, but make sure to keep specific parts, such as "$N" or "$B" or "$C", etc. Those refer to specific names, such as your character name, and item name, that NPC's name, or something similar.